I was looking through my cupboard skimming through all the dresses trying to decide what should I wear for the movies.

I often have 2-3 dresses selected as my "favourites" and the main reason they are my favourites is because they make me look slim, maybe not as skinny as El but still thin.

"Instead of putting so much effort in your dresses you can just workout" says El in a nonchalant manner. I look back at her and see that her whole focus is on her phone while she says that.

El often says such things and comments on my weight but I just wonder does she ever realize that at times it gets really hurtful for me? Its already bad enough that I always get bullied at school for this but then I have my best friend taunting me aswell. I ignore it like I always do but I again look at her carefully.

"Aren't you spending wayy too much time on your phone nowadays?" I exclaim and she actually gets a bit nervous and puts the phone away.

"Ah nothing much" El clears her throat and goes near the mirror to fix her hair as she does that I stand behind her "is there something I should know?"

She opens her mouth to say something but just then we hear a loud voice from the balcony.

As expected, it was Cassie fighting with Ren over the phone

"Okayy somebody please remind me why these two are together again?" Said El..

I shrug "they both are way too immature for each other"

True that ....Cassie is extremely immature but yes she is a great friend but sometimes she does stuff that really annoys you to the core. For example she has this habit of thinking whatever she does is right and no one can make her think otherwise. Also, she thinks that she is never good enough and has this way too negative perspective about herself. Well, I actually blame her mother for this but more on that later.

"YOU NEVER UNDERSTAND ME"  She screams for one last time and hangs up the phone. As she turns around she finds me and El looking at her with that "why?" Expression

"He is not coming to the movies" her voice is filled with both despair and anger

"So its just us 3 then?" Asks El looking at me

"Umm no Meghan wanted to join so I said yes and maybe the boys will be there too" I answer as we enter back into the room

By the way the boys are Mark, Scott and Larry. We all go to the same school and sometimes we hang out together. Scott is actually like a prodigy, an extremely genius guy he has the perfect score in everything but one thing I really dislike is he loves flexing his score and demeaning the ones who dont ....
but then again his friends with some of the lowest scorers in school. Thats contradicting ain't it?

Mark is a good guy very decent and equally lame. And I am not really close to Larry as he is Scott's friend and joins us only whenever Scott is there.

As we reach the theatre I see Meghan talking and laughing with a guy,whose back was towards us

"Who is she talking to?" El asks pointing at Meghan

I shrug!

"Maybe one of her "fans"" chuckles Cassie and we do too.

So Meghan is basically very pretty like she is Cher from Clueless, except for the sassy part actually most of the time she is clueless. But somewhere she feels that as she is so goegeous most of the guys around her are looking at her and everytime we go somehwere she is like "Hey? Dont you think that guy is looking at me?" And she really doesnt spare Any.Guy! According to her everyone is looking at her!!

Also, she is the only one among us who doesnt get bullied even though she is as dumb as me but still her life is way better than mine, maybe its her looks? No clue.

As we get closer she waves at us and the guy she was talking to turns around!

My breath hitches

Yes...its Noah

He looks so good in that black and red strip tshirt and blue jeans. Though his smile kinda drops as he sees us.

"Will catch you later" he tells Meghan and kind of gives a nod to us which Cassie ignores but El and I return.

Btw there is a tiff between Cassie and Noah which we will reveal later on.

"What is he doing here?" Asks El

"Well he came with one of his cousins but they are done so they are going back home" she says as she combs her finger through her hair "hey the boys are here"

Mark Scott and Larry appears and as soon as Scott comes he greets all of us properly but kind of hits Cassie's head!

"Heyyy stop" she yells rubbing the back of her

Scott shrugs "was just checking if that useless brain is still there"

We all chuckle and head to the popcorn station

As we grab our popcorn I look at my reflection on the glass behind the counter. Just beside me was Meghan she was totally oblivious to what I was doing as she was busy talking to guy selling the popcorn!

I was comparing

I am sorry I know it is not right but I just couldnt help it

I looked at her reflection she was so perfectly fair and had no ounce of fat on her body and just beside her it was me with frizzy unmanageable hair that would stick out everywhere and dark circles And that huge fat body. Subconsciously my hand raises and touches my chubby arm which was covered with the pink full sleeve tshirt.
I never wear short sleeves because I have chubby arms so I feel I will look horrible if I wear short sleeves!

Then my eyes darted towards Meghan. She was wearing a sleeveless black top exposing her flawless thin arm. Oh! How I wished I could wear a sleeveless dress but I just can't I can never have that confidence.

"Hey let's go" El called pulling me out of my negative thoughts.

Throughout the movie the only thing I see is El on her phone. She was least bothered about the movie and all she was focused on was the texting. I tried to peek but as soon as she noticed she switched the screen off.

What's with the secrecy?

"Noah is so damn funny" Meghan giggles and tells us all about the conversation she had with Noah. Apparantly she were discussing about some movie and he was mimicking the actor.

I just keep looking at her and think, this girl is as lame as me so how is it that Noah talks to her but acts like I do not exist??

Is it just the looks or am I way too boring and lame??

Nevermind, I guess that question will always remain unanswered.

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