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Amber his thinking she knocked me out but didn't I landed on carpet so it softened the landing mom came into the house and I ran over to her mom It's Amber ok be careful we walked side by side checking every corner, getting Deja Vu? i asked mom as we walked in the kitchen "yep major Deja Vu", Anyone hiding killer or not you have five seconds to show yourself!" she spoke she shot then kicked open the door but nobody was there like Billy had done back the. We walked up stairs when we heard a thud but that's when I got a message from Ethan I ignored it and shove my phone in my pocket "who was it?" asked mom My boyfriend Ethan lives in New York she smiled but frowned once she saw my angry face and we kept walking towards the noise. Mom then got a phone call "hello Sidney", "hello there where'd you go?", "oh this isn't Amber I'm the other one", "oh there's two of you. Again I've seen this movie before ", "not this movie Sidney", "you really need some new material" she said shooting at a door, "I got you here didn't I?", "you might actually be the most derivative one of all I mean Christ the same house?", "maybe so but you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie Never answer the-" , "I'm bored", "WAIT!" Then she shot at the door but then someone screamed inside we quickly opened the door and held Richie at gun point "what are you doing in here?!!" asked my mom "hiding from the murderers", we told you to come out I said holding my knife at him "I'm not going to come out Your mom is shooting everything!!" He said Then Amber attacked my mom which made her stumble and made me fall of the railing MOM!! I yelled out as I was dangling from the stair case "holy shit it's Ghost face!!" Richie yelled NO shit!! I yelled still dangling slipping by second I ended up climbing up but still in a deadly position then mom  and ghost face came flying at me and we both ended up falling mom landing softly on me as I pushed her away holding my stomach as my airway got blocked by the sudden  movement I quickly got up but ghost face dragged me down by my ankle Richie coming down the stairs Richie get the gun! me and mom pleaded "yeah kind of hard since your mom shot me in the leg!" Richie answered I grabbed my taser and tased Amber out of my way but she grabbed  my hair and threw me down making me land on mom Sam grabbed the gun and held Amber on gunpoint I stood up next to her and tased Amber again her screaming in pain Richie was praising me and Sam then he stabbed her in the stomach I grabbed the Taser but before I could Tase him he stabbed me in the leg I fell back towards the door "sit the fuck down PRESCOTT!!" Richie yelled at my mom, Don't yell at my mom like that!! I yelled and tackled him tasing him on the back he groaned in pain as he got up me still on his back  then threw me off by the stairs he twisted the knife deeper into Sam and she screamed in pain. He handed the gun to Amber and she held my mom at gunpoint Richie then pulled out Tara's Inhaler and threw it over his shoulder, This isn't a fucking movie Richie you sick bastard!! I yelled at him "no but it will be that's the point right Amber!" he answered "right Hon third act bloodbath check killers revealed check time for the big finale!!" Amber yelled, you're a sicko I flipped her off and grabbed the knife on my pocket me still laying on the stairs.

 "let's take them to the kitchen" amber said grabbing my mom's hair and Richie holding mine and Sam's arms he threw us at the counter Sam held onto it and I fell face first onto the floor Oww I screamed as my nose started bleeding I stood up. Mom tried making a run for it but Richie stopped her while still holding us at gun point  "Sidney Prescott you know I'm a really big fan", "go fuck yourself" mom bit back they continued talking as I pulled out my Knife  I held onto Sam as Richie pointed the gun at us explaining how Hollywood was out of ideas Amber then brought Gale and Richie walked over to us "you did all this just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?", "sweetie you're not the hero You're the Villain the daughters of Billy Loomis that see fucked up visions of their dead dad? Sidney Prescott killed your father and she's your mom Y/n you did all this to get her back to Woodsboro", "you know what the biggest problem with the stab movie is? there's no Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees. No bad guy to keep coming back!! but the illegitimate daughters of the original mastermind? Now that's a fucking villain one of them you created", "how did you know?", "about your father? it's a small town and your mom's a drunk! I met Richie on the Stab subreddit I've been obsessed ever since my parents bought this house, we realized Pretty quickly we had similar ideas", "wasn't that hard to find both of you in Modesto It wasn't that hard for me to fuck you either Sam But I guess being a sexually available woman is supposed to be empowering these days but poor Y/n is still a virgin", Fuck you!! me and Sam spat at him "but it wouldn't work with just you Sam see we had to bring the legacy character and her daughter back to make it matter can't have a bona fide Halloween without Jamie lee!! Dewey had to die to make it real to show that this wasn't just some bullshit cash in run of the mill sequel! because our movie has fucking stakes!! cause anyone can die in a requel Mom made a run for the knife but got stabbed by Amber then Richie made us sit down they started apologizing to mom and how they were going to have their precious daughter in jail for killing her.

Tara threw her crutches at Amber and started beating her up with it Sam quickly disarmed Richie and I stabbed him in the rib cage then in the stomach and sides Sam bit his hand and he let go of us we made a run for it but I went back to take my taser from him and tased him in the back he groaned in pain I went over to mom and ripped off a piece of my shirt and rapped it around her waist, You ok? I asked her "yeah yeah I'm ok baby thank you" I hugged her and helped her out Mom then grabbed Amber disarming her but she grabbed a knife and mom grabbed a bottle I tased amber while Gale grabbed the knife mom threw the bottle at her and she fell on Gale, Gale held her and me and mom grabbed her legs throwing her on the table we cornered her and she started begging for mercy "let me guess the movies made you do it?" asked mom "no it was the message boards! I was radicalized!", "by movie fans?", "yes they're so mad! please it's not my fault I'm just a dumb kid I just wanted to be part of something!", "a part of somethin? you killed my bestfriend!!" , " yeah and he died like a pussy" Gale punched her in the face she then stuck her finger in Gales wound making her scream and pain while I stabbed her in the thigh Amber grabbed her and threw her by the sink making her hit her back and fall back, Amber then came at me and gale she chocked Gale and I stabbed her in the back over and over the Gale pushed her back making her turn on the stove "wanna do the honors Y/n?" Mom asked no this is Gale's she started begging for mercy but we weren't having any of her shit so Gale shot her making her land on the stove catching on fire I smiled as Gale and Mom made a pained face while I simply laughed "enjoy that torch " said Gale, Bitch! I added we kept staring when I got a call from Ethan, what the fuck do you want?! I yelled who's that mouthed mom Ethan I answered she made an ok face while I kept talking to him there's nothing he could do to make me feel better so I broke up with him he said something along I was drunk! and I love you! but I didn't care and ended things with him I looked back and saw dad on mirror, Dad I said Mom looked at me confused, he looked at the knife on my hand and nodded I walked over where I saw Richie and Sam, Get away from her asshole!! I yelled at him He looked at me distracted We'd like to introduce a new rule I said "and what would that be?", Never fuck with the daughter of a serial killer I said and tackled him stabbing him in the head then on the heart Sam took over and stabbed him through then mouth we kept taking turns on stabbing him but I ended up killing him slitting  his throat with the knife I wiped off the blood with my hands just like Stu and Billy and stood there watching him bleed out with Sam, Mom and gale came out of the kitchen and looked at me with my bloody hands and clothes "wow you are your father's daughter" mom said wrapping her hands around my shoulders then told me they always came back I took the gun from gale and shot him straight in the head. "ok then" Gale said then Amber came at us with a knife screaming in bloody murder but Tara shot her in the head "I still prefer the Babadook" she said holding the gun we walked towards her in a group hug asking if she was ok.

Later on Ambulance came and I quickly walked over to Mindy asking if she was ok then towards Chad, Mom walked over to me and asked if I wanted to live with her Mark and the kids and when college enrollment came she was going to take me to the college in New York with everyone else I accepted and got in her car but paramedics stopped us saying they needed to bandage us up I said my goodbyes to everyone and stayed in one of the ambulance trucks and Sam came towards us "Sidney, Gale thank you both for everything are guys going to be alright?", "I'll survive I always do", "you were right about not running", "sorry about that", "how are you doing?", "ask me in a few days but at least I know what I'm gonna write about ","what's that", "not this those fuckers can die in anonymity but maybe something about a good man who used to be sheriff here once " , "I'd like to read that story", "can I ask you a weird question?", "yeah", "Am I and Y/n gonna be ok?", "eventually" then she left mom rubbed my shoulder and kissed my temple saying the many beautiful things about her home like the kids and how much she talks about me to them and a Labrador and Beagle named brownie and biscuit. I stared at the house and saw dad in the doorway with Stu nodding their heads and disappearing into the stairs.

1996 words ;) yes I planned out the words to land on 1996


I promise next chapter might have Ethan ok please I'm sorry I needed a cool backstory but everyone mistaken Sam for killing Richie not Y/n YAYYY 

- Ur fav minion

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