Pretty and Beautiful

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So, what the difference between 'pretty' and 'beautiful'? 

I think when someone is said to be pretty it's more of a physically appealing thing/structure/being. You like something but it's easily changeable and not a overall strong feeling. The one that can somewhat be called as an eye candy to me, something you like but don't have the urge to take it with you and keep. 

'Beautiful' sounds a lot more special, more dedicated to that person. It's more of a feeling that can't just appear as a mere eye candy, it's much more than that, so much so that it makes you wanna wish good for them, taking care of them, being close to them without feeling anything to gain. It's like you can understand the meaning just by looking at something and you're filled with awe for that thing. For me, the word itself comes while from the heart. 

For example:- Stray kids are the most beautiful angels in my eyes.

Here, I'm expressing and feeling their beauty which isn't only physically appalling but mentally too. When they smile, my heart feels a bit more content, the happiness radiates from them which makes them a lot more special than they already are. They're smiles' so pure, and full of adoration. That it makes me wanna protect them, always, forever.

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