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Please don't just comment like crazy on my stories they cause the app to lag alot and I had to even restart the next chapter because wattpad shut down and deleted what I had written already :(

Thank you ♡

Tessa Elliot: She loves stickers but had to dumb down how many she uses because it upsets James. She loves all of the drones shes made but secretly likes Cyn more as that Cyn seems like a sister to tessa. She loves to dress in bright colors and wears a dress like the worker drones. She loves them all equally but still tried to be loves by her mother and father even though its hard with their high expectations in her. She programmed v to have glasses because she felt like v needed somthing to differentiate from the other drones. Tessa gets in alot of trouble sometimes cauing her to get chained in her room By her wrist thus causing marks to appear and even nearly breaking her wrist.

James Elliot: Dosen't like anyhting cutesy, hates how tessa made the drones have their own perosnality and rooms, dresses very professonal compared to Tessa. Tessa is james daughter and dosen't really want her to be seen because in his eyes she is a dissapointment of a daughter and their family.

Louisa Elliot: Hates every drone and absolutely hates tessa. When tessa came to tell her that her wrist might be broken her response was "DO YOU WANT IT TO BE BROKEN?!" She uses james for his money and has even tried to poison him. She tried to kill v and n because they are quote "useless" and that the only helpful one is J. she locks cyn up because she quote "distracts the drones from work"

V: Has been yelled at many times by James for quote "not cleaning fast enough" and for being clumsy when she dosent know how to walk in mary janes. she loves to run around and hang out with Cyn in her free time (before cyn turned her into a zombie drone.)  and when cyn is busy she likes to see what n is up to she has however never gotten the courage to talk to him. V is scared of Cyn due to the shadows she has seen around her when lightning hits near the manor but still hanges out with her because of her child like behavior and to learn more about n! Cyn and V have a good trust with eachother, causing her to be cyns first target.

N: Really strives to impress visitors and James though sometimes he dosen't succeed and gets yelled at by James for dissapointing him and Louisa. He has broken many glasses causing cuts to appear on him because James dosen't care enough to see if they are okay. Theres many stains of oil in Tessa's room that hes had to cover with objects so that V dosen't freak out when cleaning (though she dosen't speak to him he knows she cares about him)

J: J Tries REALLY hard to be Tessa, louisa, and Jame's Best Drone even if that means making fun of or hurting the ones close to her (V, N, And Cyn) Cleans fast but still tries to make it look nice. though she seems like a try hard shes seen how V and N are treated and is actually petrified that she will get treated the same. she never takes breaks and has many injuries from falling off stools and falling off v and cyn's sholders when trying to clean high spaces. J is really good freinds with tessa.

Cyn: Is Tessa's favourite drone because they look alike and is basically the younger so Tessa dosen't have high expectations but James wants her to be the show bot for her kindness and working mindset when in reality Tessa was forced to throw her out from damaged parts and peices. Cyn in reality was the absolute solver, wating for the right minute to distroy humanity wether that ment hanging with n and pretenting to be his little sister, or ruining the programming of all the other drones, she was going to figure out a way to kill them all. Cyn was made from very poor quality parts causing her libs to be weaker after being thrown out.

James And Louisa are dead now. they died when cyn attacked the manor due to them not being able to leave in time and also cauisng tessas hand and arm up to her elbow to get ripped off they where all with the goverment and now tessa has to work for jcjenson against her will (headcannon)


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