Chapter 1 - Sneak To Hear

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[Start in the afternoon to Poppy Partridge decorating the cookies in the kitchen of her barn while her friends do anything in Poppy's barn; Wally and Barnaby are decorating the cake with piping bags as Wally shoot Barnaby who cover with blue icing as they both laugh, Julie holds the balloons and Sally holds the box while they walking, Frank and Eddie making party decorations when their hands touch each other as made blushes as continue making it, and Howdy holds ingredients of cakes as passing his friends while he toward to Poppy as put it on the table.]

Howdy: (breathing) Phew! Poppy, are you sure about that? Like... special day or something...

Poppy: (nervously) It's a... secret. Yeah, it's a secret day!

Howdy: (cautiously and suspicious) Right...? (Walk away slowly while his friends look at him in pauses, nervously.) I' ingredients... (Open slowly the door as he steps out of Poppy's barn, then close the door, sighing in relief as quietly.) Okay. I'm gonna sneak around outside the barn to peek at the sense of secrets.

[Howdy walks slowly under the window until he hears voices of Frank and Eddie as he puts his ear on the wall to hear which gasps in surprise. Pans as wide the camera to inside the barn where Frank and Eddie who got covering art and craft bits on the corner.]

Frank: Eddie! This is getting so difficult for a special day!

Eddie: I know! (Take a breath.) We told Poppy about the plan to Howdy for his first date yesterday without telling everyone while we're hiding our secret.

Howdy: (shocked) WHAT?! (Covers his mouth in surprise with his lower hands, mutters.) Uh-no!

[Howdy running around hiding anywhere in the barn while Seven Neighbors stunned silence after hearing Howdy's shout. Cut to Frank and Eddie surprised in freak out.]

Frank: Oh no! He's figured it out about that!

Wally: (offscreen) Figured it out about what?

[Frank and Eddie pause to turn around Wally in surprise and cover red icing.]

Frank: Wally! What are you doing here?

Wally: Poppy calling you... Just come with you.

[Wally, Frank, and Eddie walk out of the corner and toward Poppy look at the cookies on the silver serving tray as if it's like Eight Neighbors.]

Eddie: It is done, Poppy?

Poppy: Yes. It's done. (Opens the oven and puts it inside, then closes it as it turns up the heat.) Guys, I-I thank you for helping me out.

Wally: You're welcome.

Eddie: (puts on Poppy's shoulder) Poppy... I have to tell you about that... (Walks off of the kitchen along Poppy while Wally and Frank look at them in blank, offscreen.) Did you hear the shout?

Wally: So... Did you give an object to Poppy?

Frank: Yup. It's a Silver Serving Tray. Which Home created it as I chose her. (He and Wally look at the oven.) Is it done?

[Cut to Howdy slowly popping out the window as he looks at Wally and Frank through the window.]

Wally: Almost. And... (Kitchen timer starts ringing.) ...done! (Press it to stop the ring, he wears oven mitts to open the oven and takes cookies on the tray out of the oven, then he closes it and puts the tray on the table as he and Frank look at it in amazement.) Wow. Poppy's such great cooking for it.

Frank: (nods) Mm-mhmm. Which means... Start to infect her by it. (Points at Silver Serving Tray which Howdy gasps in quietly as red aura comes out from Silver Serving Tray.) It's time...

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