Chapter 3 - Know It As Never Show Up

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[Fade to inside of Frank's House where Howdy lies on Frank's bed while looking at Frank's diary as he feels amused at Frank's bedroom where there are many books anywhere.]

Howdy: (imitating Frank while reading Frank's diary) "Dear diary. Today is my birthday! As I've turned 7 years-old! I hope this is a better one... while the other ones were worse. Because my parents. I wanted to see Eddie and Howdy... I hope, probably." (Looks at sad face at end sentence with doodle of caterpillar and envelope, in a normal voice.) Wow... That was sad. (Holds up the camera to take the picture at page, then continue picturing at pages of Frank's diary while laughing hysterically to stand up until he takes Frank's memory book from a pile of books to put in the bag.) But! I'm taking their memory books! (Laughs.) This is fun!

[Howdy runs out of Frank's House to Eddie's Post Office, he looks around and notices a purple book on the desk was Eddie's memory book as he takes it and puts it in the bag.]

Howdy: This is gonna be great! I'm looking for their secrets and personal stuff!

[Howdy laugh hysterically runs to the room where envelopes and papers are flying out of the room.]

Howdy: (offscreen) Nobody knows what I'm doing! (Continue laughing hysterically yet creepy.)

[Cut to night as a campsite in the woods with a campfire where Seven Neighbors are sitting on the logs while they're feeling worried, even Frank and Eddie feeling sad as the tears come out.]

Frank: Well, guys. Tomorrow, we'll continue to find Howdy in the woods.

Poppy: Are you kidding me? That'll take much longer!

Frank: I know! I'm really worried about Howdy!

Eddie: Me too, Frank.

Wally: We're all worried about Howdy, guys.

Frank: Thanks, Wally. I know you for joining us. I always thought of you as a friend to me.

Wally: As I'm always. I have a question, Frank.

Frank: What is it?

Wally: (hisses in nervous) I... always remember about...uh...uh...

Frank: (surprised) What?! What is it?! Tell me!

Wally: It's Howdy.

Frank: Of course! We're worried about--

Wally: That's not! Even worse!

Frank: What?! There's worse than Howdy's lost in the woods?! What is it, Wally?!

Wally: (inhales) Howdy getting crazier when getting hurt himself.

Frank: (shocked) HE WHAT?!

Julie: Frank?! What's wrong?!

Frank: Uh... Nothing!

Julie: (nervously) But... You sound a lie or something!

Wally: Julie? Are you afraid of lies?

Julie: Technically yes. But I'm afraid of betrayal.

Frank: Wow! Okay.

Wally: You'll see, guys. Last night while we're sleeping, Howdy went out of his store while he was laughing. He's still laughing while he goes, somewhere without something's holding up to show up by him.

Frank: Something's holding up?

Wally: Yes. Howdy holds up something without showing up.

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