Chapter 2 - Eavesdrop To Lovers' Secrets

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[Fade to the secret room of Howdy's Place/Bugdega in the dark. Howdy in the shadow as some wear the clothes with glowing green eyes.]

Howdy: Okay, Howdy. You can do this. (Takes deep breaths.) Okay, here we go.

[Cut to outside of Howdy's Place/Bugdega where Poppy and Eddie are waiting while Wally and Frank join them.]

Wally: Guys, are you waiting for Howdy to get outside?

Eddie: Yeah. Then why's he blocking the window to cover himself? (Cut to reveal for the windows of Howdy's Place/Bugdega was covered with blinds.) I think he's closed his store. Some kind of event or something.

Poppy: (gasps while footsteps approach) He's coming!

[The door opens as someone holds it while Wally, Frank, Poppy, and Eddie are surprised with confusion. Cut to Howdy wearing fake four green eyes with black sclera as glasses, turquoise face mask, his face covering black, gray fedora and coat as covering his antennas, black gloves, white shoes, and holding a medical bag kit. He looks at Wally, Frank, Poppy, and Eddie as he waves at them.]

Howdy: (in a British accent with an old man tone) Hello, people. Aren't you Howdy's neighbors as friends, right?

Frank: (confused) Uh...yes?

Eddie: Who are you?

Howdy: Me? My name is... Grady. Dr. Grady Ford!

Eddie: Oh! Nice to greet you, Dr. Ford! (Handshake to Howdy/Dr. Grady.) Are you...

Howdy: (as Dr. Grady Ford) I'm Howdy's old friend and scientist as a therapist when he was child.

Frank: His therapist? You've therapy for him years ago?

Howdy: Yes, it's true, lad.

Poppy: Where's Howdy?

Howdy: Oh! (Nervously) He...uh... He's going to the place where...uh... missing ones of his stuff as a complete mission! That's right!

Frank: (suspiciously) Right... (Whispers to Eddie.) That person looks familiar...

Eddie: (whispers) What are you talking about? He's not familiar like Howdy.

Frank: (whispers) What?! Trust me! He's so familiar!

Poppy: (sadly) Aw, doctor. Howdy have hurt himself by--

Frank and Howdy: His nightmare? I know that.

Howdy: So, Frank. You're the person who is spying on him waiting to turn into a butterfly.

Frank: That's right. (Paused to beat.) Wait. Did Howdy tell you about all of us, right?

Howdy: (nods) Yes, he is. (To Poppy.) Miss Partridge, let's examine you.

Poppy: (nervously) O-okay.

Howdy: Don't worry. I won't hurt you. (Walks away along Poppy.) Come on, let's go to your barn.

[Wally, Frank and Eddie look at Poppy and Howdy/Dr. Grady in response while Frank looks suspicious.]

Eddie: Frank! Why are you so suspicious today?

Frank: Don't remember? Dr. Grady Ford looks so familiar!

Eddie: Aw, come on! That's the last time for Julie disguised as Wally's old girlfriend!

Frank: (scoffs) I know! (Sighs as pinch his nose.) Look, we just need a new plan for our date, Eddie.

Eddie: (adjusts his hat) Right!

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