Chapter 4 - Mysterious Masked Magician

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[Fade to the secret room of Howdy's Place/Bugdega, Howdy wears black tuxedo, black top hat with blue hat band, red bow tie, yellow gloves on his upper hands, purple gloves on his lower hands, cyan/turquoise shoes, rainbow antennas, and black cape with orange interior. He smiles at the reflection of the mirror.]

Howdy: I'm lookin' good! But something's missing... (Snaps his fingers on his upper hand.) I know! (Takes and puts a magenta mask on his eyes, then takes off top hat as he puts it on hair with green paint as dips and his hair covers his right eye, then puts it back.) Perfect! (Holds up a wand on his upper hand.) I'm the most mysterious and famous magician! (Echoes in happily; in a middle-high toned voice.) Perry Preston! (Spinning himself to turn a purple cloud flying out of Howdy's Place/Bugdega, then turns into a normal form as covering his cape; in normal voice.) My plan is to take care of Poppy from Wally and Frank while I try to get away from their attention, even Eddie. (Rises up the wand to start loads of magic.) Presto!

[Howdy blasts himself to disappear. Cut to woods in the night as Eight Neighbors walking on the path as led by Wally and Frank while Barnaby, Julie, Poppy, Sally, and Eddie follow them as Eddie looks at Wally and Frank.]

Eddie: Don't worry, guys. We'll make you remember what happened last night.

Julie: Halt! (She and Six Neighbors stop walking as she points at a silhouette person.) There's a mysterious person!

Mysterious Person: (in male middle-high toned voice) Hello, friends.

Poppy: Oh! (Nervously.) Hello, mister. We need your help! We can't find our friend! His name is Howdy Pillar!

Mysterious Person: Howdy Pillar? Ahh! I know him! Let me introduce myself. My name is... (Hold up the wand to blast himself to disappear which Seven Neighbors surprised and look around.)

Barnaby: Where's he going?!

[Big magic explodes in front of Seven Neighbors screaming in surprise, uncovers the purple cloud as Howdy disguises as Perry Preston, he smiles at Seven Neighbors while he is spinning his wand on his upper hand.]

Howdy: (as Perry Preston) Perry Preston!

Sally: (delightfully while clapping) Wow! Amazing magic trick!

Howdy: (bows as holds his cape) Thank you so much, Miss Starlet!

Sally: He knows my name!

Poppy: Did Howdy tell you about us?

Howdy: Yes, he does, Miss Partridge.

Barnaby: Mr. Preston! Howdy went and lost in the woods!

Howdy: Don't worry, friends. Follow me.

[Howdy/Perry walks and Seven Neighbors follow him while Frank starts to get suspicious and worried about him and Eddie looks at Frank.]

Eddie: Oh no! Not again!

Julie: What's wrong, Eddie?

Eddie: Frank's gonna be suspicious... (Worried.) AGAIN!

Julie: What?

Eddie: He's got suspicious of Dr. Grady, then he's getting suspicious of Perry!

Julie: Like he's suspicious of me while I'm disguised as Wally's old girlfriend.

Eddie: Yeah... This is getting weird and horrified now.

[Fade to later at noon, Howdy/Perry and Seven Neighbors still walking while Frank gets trembling in discomfort, then he twitches his eye while looking Howdy/Perry, then he screams in frustration.]

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