1# - A Long Waited Reunion

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A/n: This is all for a fan based book, Legend of Zelda and Seven Deadly Sins are all owned by their respective companies. Also warning there will be descriptions of extreme violence and various takes on certain issues regarding key details about BOTW and Totk Link, if you like that then this is for you.

Viewer discretion is welcomed cause if you start em off early it gets em educated sooner.

We opened up to a bright day in the fields of Britannia where a pleasant breeze passed through the grass before the peaceful gusts of wind were soon overpowered by the fierce sounds of grunting and roaring.

What could be seen would be insane to many normal to the young man who was currently punching with all his might at the head of a black bear who howled in pain before having two fists slam against its head making it fall down to the ground.

The man then jumped off it's back before putting the large mammal in a choke hold causing it to struggle for air.

This continued as the bear tried to thrash around only for its eye to get punched in causing it to roar in pain some more before letting out a whimper of pain as it lost consciousness.

The blond haired savage stopped his tight hold of the bear and stepped back allowing the animal to recover and struggle to stand back up drawing ragged breaths.

His beastly opponent retreated back into the forest as the blue eyed man went to the side and grabbed a cloth sack.

When he reached into it a dead fish that was still soaking with water making the mysterious ma- okay let's cut to the chase.

Y/n stood up with the fish in hand biting it while resting the sack on his side tying it to his belt making it rest next to his arrow quiver.

When he was about to walk away the blond haired man looked over and saw an explosion at the top of a plateau.

A shockwave came from said explosion making Y/n curiously jog towards the plateau while taking a bite out of his fish.

After a couple of minutes of casually heading towards the site Y/n looked up and saw the plateau shake again making the blond raise an eyebrow before a beep was heard.

A giant green pig then dropped down from the plateau making Y/n get in a defensive stance while pulling out a stick from seemingly nowhere.

Y/n then approached the pig as it began to waddle away making the man pursue the pig bolting after it on foot before letting out a whistle.

The coordinated sound of five sharp whistles caused the ground to shake as a rock was seen dragging its way over towards him causing Y/n to leap and land on the rock that shot towards the moving boar.

Inside the Boar Hat



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