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A gorgeous girl was dressed in a stunning white ballgown, which showcased her slim waist flawlessly due to the way the dress fit her above her torso before elegantly flaring from her waist to the floor.

Her wavy-long honey-blonde hair rested on her back like a waterfall which added to her beauty.

She cast a loving gaze at her beloved soon-to-be husband as her lips spread into a wide smile. The male watched her smile in awe and he couldn't believe that the cute smile spread on her beautiful heart-shaped lips belonged to him. He was the reason behind that smile and it made his stomach flip giddily.

He extended his hands, causing her to hold them tightly with a shy smile. When she glanced at their hands clutched together, it made her heart beat merrily. Finally, it is happening, she thought.

The man in front of her grinned adorably this time, with his front two teeth peeking out, giving him a bunny-like appearance. Their staring contest ceased when a voice brought them back to reality.

"John Williams, do you take Anastasia Anderson, as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest glanced at the said male and asked.

"I do!" As he answered, John gave Ana a smile and caressed the back of her hands, making the bride beam. The butterflies in her stomach danced, making her feel dizzy.

"Anastasia Anderson, do you take John Williams, as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do!" Ana replied, blushing and looking down, unable to believe her dreams that were turning into reality.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

The priest recited the vows, instilling in Ana the fear and euphoria that every bride experiences when these words are spoken.

Ana flushed as the priest allowed John to kiss her. She shifted her gaze to her father and brother, who stood behind him. Despite feeling emotional, they kept a smile on their faces.

"Ana? Baby?" Her father called out to which she responded, "Yes father?"

"Ana? Are you listening?" He inquired once more.

"Let me kiss my husband, Paa," Ana whined.

The next minute, cold water splashed her face, and she woke up gasping for air.

"Paa, what is wrong with you?" The girl became more agitated with a tint of sadness in her beautiful blue orbs.

She glanced down and her sleeveless pink nightdress t-shirt was drenched in water. She whined more when water droplets continued to drop on her face from her damp hair. "You've lost your mind, Paa." She commented, annoyance lacing in her voice as she glanced at her father with hooded eyes.

"My baby is still having the same dream, isn't she?" Henry teased her, wiggling his brows as he stood near her bed with his arms crossed near his chest.

Ana felt her cheeks heat up at the remembrance of her dream. However, she whined, throwing a tantrum like she always did. She shook her head vigorously, making her untied hair stick to her wet face and arms. "Why would you wake me up like this?"

Henry chuckled as dimples appeared on his cheeks. He might be in his fifties, but his body was well-maintained. His hair was cut closer to his scalp which perfectly accentuated his sharp jawline and handsome features. His forehead wrinkles were concealed by his blonde hair with black highlights.

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