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After feeding the motionless Austin, Ana and Jake sat on the couch that was placed in Austin's office. The two of them had their gazes fixed on the brunette.

Ana couldn't believe herself when she expectantly waited for her boss to wake up and start shouting at her randomly about how clumsy she was or something along those lines.

If someone told her before that she would miss her obnoxious boss and his coldness, she would have laughed. But now that she desperately wanted him to wake up, she was having trouble believing herself. Was this the same Ana as the one who found her boss annoying?

Soon afterwards, her eyes fluttered shut. She leaned her head against Jake's shoulder and fell asleep, not caring about the world or the man with caramel hair who sat next to her.

On the other hand, Jake was concerned for Austin. Even after fifteen years, he continued to destroy himself. All he wanted was for his friend to move on and find happiness again, but he was aware that his efforts and thoughts would be in vain.

Only if Austin listened to him and did not act like the stubborn man that he was, he would not be spoiling his health and life like this. He pitied his friend who was sleeping on his chair so peacefully.

Just when he was lost in his thoughts, he felt something heavy on his shoulder. He looked to his right and saw Ana sleeping soundly, her head propped up on his shoulder. Her pink lips were slightly parted, and she snored softly.

A smile crept on his lips unconsciously when he noticed the proximity between them. His head spun when her calming scent filled his nose. Only if he could hold her so closely all the time after confessing his feelings for her, but he was too nervous to do so.

Being bashful, he was sneaking peeks at her when there was a knock. If a person could die with only a glare, the individual entering the room would pass away in front of Jake. After all, the intruder was breaking his beautiful moment with his crush.

John barged into the office and almost yelled, "Austin, where the hell are-" until Jake shot him a death glare and warned, "Yah! Lower your voice."

Ignoring her friend's scowl or warning, the ravenette looked straight at the boss and muttered, "Why is he sleeping?" His gaze shifted to Jake, and as he saw Ana dozing off with her head leaning against Jake's shoulder, he couldn't resist raising another question with furrowed eyebrows, "And what's wrong with Ana? Did you give them something in their drinks or what?" He let out a chuckle.

Jake rolled his eyes and patted the couch to his left, asking him to sit beside him. "Be quiet and place your ass next to me. They both are sleeping, so don't shout and act like a human being." He whisper-yelled, making John shudder and submit to the elder. Stomping his feet, he marched up to Jake and took a seat.

"What's the matter with him?" This time, he asked seriously which made Jake sigh. "Same problem," he said, running his fingers over his caramel hair and licking his lips. "Before we lose our friend, we need to figure this out." Looking at his pal for the hundredth time that day, he sighed. His heart pained to see him in this condition and he knew that John was the only one with whom he could discuss his friend's concerns.

"Let's make a plan. Now I'm concerned as well." John responded with a sigh, as the two had their attention glued on their boss.

Ana shook her head and moved towards Jake to make herself more comfortable before drifting off to sleep again. "Let us talk about it later," Jake hurriedly murmured, gesturing to the sleeping person. When John understood what Jake was saying, he nodded and sat calmly, not uttering another word to not be heard by the only girl in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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