davids plight2

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"c'mon its not like im asking you to kill someone I just need you to babysit plant for me!"

"and normally I would but I have a date night with Blake so you are on your own"

"Lucas if I can't find someone to watch plant while I go do the guild tasks I'm gonna have to bring them along. do you really want plant to end up hurt because they got to close to a spell or cursed object?" David says as he stands out in front of his brother's house.

"no, why can't you just do it tomorrow" exclaimed Lucas fed up with his brothers' antics.

"Because I told Ritchey I would do guild tasks a month ago and he wants them done by today. trust me I want you to have fun with your girlfriend but I also don't want the rath of a drunk Ritchey." said David, Lucas paused for a moment remembering what happened last time Ritchey was drunk and had got mad at someone, Afterall he visited the grave every few days.

"If I babysit plant, you owe me big time and I will cash out this favor u know." said Lucas scowling at him.

"you are the best. here" he said handing plant over to lucas. lucas having not realized plant was there he struggled to catch them, "after i finish with the guild tasks ill pick plant up and you and ur girlfriend will have plenty of time for your date night!" "mhm sure we will" said lucas rolling his eyes.

david scrambled into the guild hall and grabbed the first 5 things he saw on the board " that should stop Ritchey from being mad at me now all i have to do is get this done before tonight.

he turned his head to look out the window the sun was steadily rising over the tree line 

today is going to be a piece of cake.

today was not a piece of cake.  the five that he had grabbed the first one asked for help removing a bunch of water snakes that had taken up residency in one of the town fountains. he then learned that the snakes got there because some teens thought it would be funny until on of them got bit. what an idiot thought David to himself if your doing something this stupid at least make sure ur not gonna get hurt. after what felt like hours all the snakes had bee caught and relocated.  his second task a water fairy had been flooding a part of atlantide beacuse the new construction had disrupted there home that they had lived in for generations, the mess of having to strike a deal with both the construction crew and fairy was enough to make his head spin, the third task helping an old lady move to a new house across atlantide while that it self wasn't unusual no what was unusual was the sheer amount of cats he had to help catch and relocate to the new house, as well as bringing all the old lady's furniture there as well. forth was hell hound had somehow gotten lose and oh boy he was not happy about that he was still pulling out spikes (don't ask how he got them he will never tell). now he just had one last task and Ritchey would get off his ass about it he had conveniently forgot to mention to Lucas that Ritchey had been hounding him about getting it done. 

"Ok now that that is behind me what's next. huh sorting through old object for cursed ones that seems easy enough."


AN for who ever reads this beacuse of your comments i have gotten u another part thanks for the comments and stars(don't know what there called) if you want to see something in this book just ask i like to add in elements from what people have commented bye for now


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