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"You were a fine knight, Don Quixote," Leon states, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Anya stood behind Leon, tears cascading down her face. Then, the agent stands to his feet with a frown, glancing at Anya with a saddened expression. He grabs her hand with his.

"Ready?" He asks her, wiping stray tears that threaten to fall from the woman's eyes.

Anya dismally nods with a sniffle as Leon gives her hand a comforting squeeze. Then, the couple continues on their journey.

"You won't get away with this, Krauser," Leon speaks.

"We'll go after him. For Luis," Anya tells the agent.

He solemnly nods, then the pair make their way to the surface, returning to the elevator. Next, another incoming transmission from Ada occurs.

"Leon, Anya. There's only time to say this once, so listen up. They took your friend to the top of the clock tower. If you two hurry, the both of you might get there before she turns into one of them," Ada informs the agents.

"Ah, so you aren't heartless after all. I guess we should be...thankful?" Anya questions out of spite.

Ada rolls her eyes, letting out a huff. "Yeah, you two should," she responds, ending the call.

Anya scoffs at the Asian woman's words as she and Leon exit the elevator together.

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Suddenly, the two agents hear an individual clapping slowly. Once they glance at the person, they notice Ramón above them, on a wooden structure.

"You two are nothing if not unyielding, Mister Kennedy and Miss Ivanova. However, I am afraid it ends here. Expel these intruders!" Salazar demands, shouting in his childlike voice.

"Shit," Leon curses as numerous Zealots with crossbows rush toward the agents.

"We can take them," Anya says confidently, earning a headshot of one of the cloaked foes.

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