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"Leon? Anya?" A frail voice questions, placing a delicate hand on Anya's shoulder.

"Ashley!" Anya and Leon exclaim in relief as the girl sits on the bed.

"Sorry we're late," Leon apologizes, standing up.

"No. Thank you both. You brought the medicine just in time," Ashley replies with a soft smile.

"Can you stand?" Anya asks the blonde.

"Where's Luis?" Ashley wonders, looking around the room for any trace of the Spaniard.

"He was worried about you...until the end," Leon reveals, causing the young girl to frown.

Leon and Anya glance at the floor with saddened expressions, while Ashley is shocked at the revelation.

"Come on. We don't have much time. Let's get rid of these things," Leon tells her urgently, the two agents hold out hands for the girl to take.

"For Luis," she speaks determinedly as the agents assist the young girl to her feet.

Then, Leon decides to contact Ada, ignoring Anya's protests.

"Ada, come in. There's a lab where we can remove the parasites. Had a crazy hunch that you'd know where that is," Leon speaks.

"Their most important facilities are housed in their sanctuary at the top of the mountain. That's where I'd look," Ada answers Leon's inquiry.

"Huh. Ada the encyclopedia," Leon quips, causing Anya to roll her eyes.

"Happy to help. Now you two owe me," Ada responds before hanging up, causing Anya to groan.

"Something tells me you hate her guts," Ashley tells the Russian woman.

"Ugh, you have no idea. I hated her in Raccoon City. I hate her even more now," Anya speaks, Ashley let out a laugh in response.

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Leon and Anya order Ashley to hide in a locker. All of a sudden, an Iron Maiden slides out of a vent, startling the two.

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