'I'm afraid I had to leave you...'

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Here you were. Alone...

You hadn't realised how much of an advantage you were at having someone by your side to comfort you in your times of need. He was your rock and now you'd lost him.

"How are you darling?" Your mother spoke, appearing by your side. You looked up at her and took a deep breath. You grabbed her hand in yours and squeezed it tight. "I'm okay." You croaked, already feeling the tears brewing. 

You hadn't planned for this to happen and you didn't see the two of you apart. You looked away from your mother, a tear slipping from your cheek. "I don't know what to do..." You mumbled, feeling numb to the rest of the world. 

"Oh sweetheart, It's going to be okay." She spoke, pulling you into her embrace. You pulled her close as the flood gates opened. You couldn't hold it back anymore and felt every emotion poor out once again. 

This had happened once you found out he had passed away. The police officer was stood at your door, a solemn look spread across his face as he told you that your partner for life had just died in a car crash. 

"Would everyone like to take their seats before we begin?" The director spoke, pointing out the seats. You nodded and let go of your mother. She grabbed your hand in hers, directing you to your seats. 

You sat down and calmed yourself down the best you could. You took a deep breath in before the director began to speak. "We are here to celebrate the life of Ethan Nestor. He was a brilliant man and husband. He was a very kind and gentle soul who knew the best ways to cheer you up." He spoke, a soft smile on his lips, "He was a very very loved person and always did his best for the world around him." 

You felt the tears brew once more as you listened to the words you wished weren't being said. You wanted it all to be over and you wanted to hide from the truth. The fact that your husband was no longer with you. "Ethan would be so proud of everyone in this room right now. So I'd like to play a video dedicated to his wife." He stepped aside as the screen lit up.

Ethan face popped up on the screen and you felt your world crumble. "Hello everyone. I know this is kind of a shock right now. First of all I would like to say that I miss you all. I hope you're all okay and dreading this too much." Ethan spoke softly, his eyes glistening as a few tears began to form. 

His eyes connected with yours as if he knew you were there. "Y/n...my life partner." He began, your throat clogging as you tried to hold in the tears that threatened to spill once again, "I know you're feeling the most pain right now and I'd like to apologise for that. I never expected this to happen nor did I want it to end this quickly." He paused, his voice slightly shaky. 

"You will and forever be the reason I live now. You will forever be the reason I want to wake up in the morning. You are my whole world. And even in death I will always be by your side. I will never leave you alone because it sucks. I have always love you with everything I have and I will continue to do so." A tear slipped down his cheek as he continued spilling his feelings towards you. 

Tears streamed down your face as you heard his sweet words. You wanted his back. You wanted to hold him, you wanted to kiss, you wanted everything that you couldn't have. You didn't want him to be gone, you didn't want for this to happen. 

"I will love you for the rest of my life even if I can't be there for you. Mark will be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on and Sean will be there if you ever need a good laugh. I hope that out of all people, you find peace and move on. I know it will be hard but I will hold your hand throughout all of it. Thank you for being my life partner. I love you." His voice cut off as the screen went black. 

Silence filled the hall. Your body went numb as you stared off into the distance. You didn't want to feel anymore, so all you could do was block everything out. 

Part 2???

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