Meeting my killer

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I sat back on the couch and tried to continue watching tv, but since the power was out that was a pretty stupid idea. I sighed and looked around the room for the stairs. I went back up to my room and sat on my bed. Well this is just great! The powers out, I'm home alone, and I have nothing to do!

I decided I would try to fall asleep, so I turned over, closed my eyes, and began to think of peaceful things that would help me fall to sleep. I suddenly shot my eyes open when I heard a sound. Someone else is in the room... I heard them slowly get onto my bed. I didn't dare to move. The creature came close to my face, I only moved my eyes. " Go to sleep," he whispered into my ear. At that second, he pulled a knife up to my neck. I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to get away but he wrapped himself around me so I couldn't. " No! Please!!" I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. He just froze. I was panting and crying, but he just looked down at me. I didn't dare to look at him, I was to afraid to move. " hhmmm," I heard him sigh and get off me. I sniffed and wiped away my tears. " w-what?? What are you d-," I was stopped at the sight of his face. What happened to him?! He had a big smile across his face, although he actually wasn't smiling, and his eyes had black rings around them. They would have been less creepy if he blinked, but he didn't at all. I studied him up and down, until I realized he was doing the same. I suddenly felt all my fear return. "W-what's wrong with y-you?!!" He just stared at me with his wide eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever until he broke the silence. "I'm Jeff, and by the way, you're very lucky," he said as he walked over to my open window. That's the way he probably came in. He was about to jump out the window when he looked back at me. "See you around," he jumped, and I was alone again. "Ugh," I leaned back and hit my pillow. "Nicole, please come home soon," I thought to myself...

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