What happens now?

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Author's Note: *sighs* After many complaints about not continuing, I've decided to update. JUST KNOW I PROBABLY WON'T AGAIN, but I care about you guys enough to do this. I tried my best. Enjoy my lovely readers :)

Blood. That's all I can remember. Blood was spilled across the floor and slithered its way into my hair, and somehow onto my face. My head was pounding and everything was a blur. But my sense of smell and sight told me that I was covered in blood. But it wasn't my own.

I looked across the floor and saw another body lying there. It was a male and he seemed to have holes in his head. Blood was seeping out of them and pouring onto the floor. I gagged.

After what seemed like hours of gagging and drowning in blood, foot steps were heard. They echoed through the dark room and vibrated the floor. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping no one would find me. The foot steps came closer. Finally, the echoes stopped and the owner of the footsteps now stood beside my limp body. I flinched when I felt fingers curl around my leg and my shoulder. "Shh, it's ok..." the man whispered reassuringly. He now fully wrapped his arms around me and lifted me into the air. A sudden sharp pain in my leg caught me off guard. He heard me yelp and held onto me tighter, telling me to quiet down. "I'll fix your broken leg later," he said to me as he started to walk towards a dark exit out of the room. It was cold outside, causing me to shiver. The man brought me closer to his chest and his head down against me. I could feel the warmth of his chest against my cheek and his breathing make my face heat up.
Finally, I looked up to see the face of my rescuer. The night was dull, but his face lit up with the help of the moon. It shined down on the both of us. His face was bright, black hair that I instantly recognized.

Slowly, I placed my hand on his cheek. He was warm. His smile reassured me that everything was going to be alright. He would never allow anyone to hurt me ever again. Gradually, I leaned up towards his face as he leaned down. Our lips brushed against each other. I blushed from the connection.

As Jeff the Killer pulled away he whispered to me the most beautiful thing anyone could ever say.

" I Love You."

Jeff the killer Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now