Mixed Feelings

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Trinity's P.O.V

"Nicole I don't feel very good," I said as I rolled over on my side. She sat beside me on my bed and put her hand on my head.

"You seem fine. You can go to school," she replied and headed for the door. I groaned and I got up. My stomach was hurting bad. I tried to ignore the pain and started to get dressed. As I slid on my jeans, I had a feeling that I was being watched. I turned to my window hoping to see Jeff, but nobody was there. I frowned and continued to dress.

I brushed my teeth and hair, and made my way down stairs for breakfast.

"What do you want to have sweetheart?" Nicole asked while she was getting out a bowl for her self.

"Nothing, I'm not hungry," I replied. I went over to get my bag and headed out the door. I heard her sigh behind me.

"You haven't eaten anything for days," she looked at me with hope in her expression, wanting me to eat.

"I haven't been hungry, no big deal," I continued out the door and had the feeling again. I felt someone watching me.

I walked to school and looked around me every once in while, just to make sure nobody was following me. But someone was. I looked behind me and he was walking up to me. He had dark brown hair that crossed over his right eye. His eyes were bright blue and shone out the most. He came up to me and smiled.

"Hi," he said. "H-hi..... Uh do I know you?" I slowly tried to back away. Every step I took he came closer. He soon grabbed my arm and pulled me to his face. He firmly pressed his lips against mine. "Mmph!!!" I tried to pull away but he was so strong. I quickly knead him in between his legs and he fell to the floor. I tried to run away as fast as I could, panting the whole way.

I soon made it to school, completely out of breath. I walked to my first class, which sadly was math. I went to my seat in the back of the room while the teacher pasted me a detention for being late. Ugh great.

The day went on pretty normal. I went on to my classes thinking about what happened this morning. It was weird but I'm glad I got away.

It was time for detention and I was terrified of who I saw sitting in the front seat. It was the guy from this morning. Apparently he was a student at this school. When he noticed me he smirked and studied me down. I blushed and went to the farthest seat away from him. The teacher sat at his desk doing what looked like grading tests. He suddenly got up.

"I'm going to the restroom, I'll be back," he said as he walked out the door. I suddenly started getting nervous. I was in a room with a guy who probably wanted to rape me. I peeked overestimated at him and he was staring at me. I quickly looked down blushing. I heard him come over to the seat next to me. I looked up at him and he was just starin' and smirkin'. Annoying little bitch.

"Hey, you got detention too?" He said not changing his emotion.

"Well that's why I'm here isn't it?" I tried to sound like I wasn't scared but failed. You could definitely hear the crack in my voice. He just looked at me.

"So, wanna talk," he put his hand on my desk and started tapping his finger. I gulped.

"N-no... I have n-nothing to talk about..." I suck at sounding tough. He slowly tried to hold my hand but I pulled mine away. He just chuckled.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?" He said while looking at my features. I tried not to make eye contact but it was hard. I silently prayed to my self.

'Please let the teacher come back soon, please let the teacher come back soon!'

Lucky enough he did, but he just looked over at us and smiled. I was shocked. This kind of affection wasn't allowed at our school! (Although people do it anyways) But not in front of a teacher!!

Jeff the killer Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora