Ch.23: It's not real

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"Uh... Mrs. Manoban," the Korean called, tugging lightly on the woman's arm, preventing her from walking out the door. Jennie returned the money, getting a confused look in return.

"Why Jennie?"

"I...can't take any more," In an act of sheer embarrassment, Jennie shoved her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt and smiled weakly as she looked down at the ground.

"But it's your payment..."

"Yes, I know, but I can't get any more money to stay with her. It seems...wrong," her voice trailed off to a whisper at the end. After a sigh, she looked up, "I don't consider that a job. Honestly, I don't think I ever considered it."

A small smile came to the corners of the older one's lips, as she pulled the Korean girl into a hug that was promptly returned.

"Just take care of my baby."

Your baby?

"I will," she smiled toothlessly before closing the door.

She took a deep breath and only then did the silence in the house make him uncomfortable. Lisa's voice could always be heard, even through whispers or the melodies of songs that she created herself.

Jennie walked cautiously until she was in front of the hazel-eyed girl's room and again a bad feeling ran through her body when she realized that the door was ajar. Lisa hated open doors, especially the one to her room.


Jennie waited a few seconds for the answer, as she didn't get it, she entered the room and her heart clenched when she saw the pale-skinned girl cowering in front of the bed, a circle of toys and papers around it and a teddy in front of it. She hid her face in her arms, they were resting on her knees.

"What happened?"

Lisa stopped shaking as the Korean's voice reached her ears. However, instead of responding, she began to cry loudly, shaking her head and screaming, consequently kicking the toys that were in front of her near the young woman.

"Lisa," Jennie cautiously knelt down in front of the girl, who shoved her hands into her blouse, the act making her face wince.

Only then did Jennie notice the blood splatter on the floor.

Immediately despair took over her body. She took a deep breath in order to remain calm, but it became an impossible task as she watched Lisa's blouse gradually become marked by numerous red stains.

"Babe," Her voice trailed off miserably.

All the older one did was push her shoulders and turn her face.

Lisa brought her trembling and bloody hands to her face, covering her eyes and shaking her head. Her gaze turned blank and eventually a painful, frightened cry escaped her throat.

"Na-" Her ragged breathing became even more difficult as her voice came out, "Na...Nayeon...Stop!" The crying intensified.

"It's not real," Jennie grabbed her wrists precisely.

Lisa froze, swallowing dry. The next second, however, she struggled again.

"Hurt...her...N-Nayeon..." Lisa shook off Jennie's touch and braced herself to move against her.

"Do you want to hurt me?" Even through a whisper, Jennie's voice was steady as she kept her eyes squeezed shut.

Lisa quickly moved away from the Korean, forcing her body back so that her back collided with the wall. Her fists clenched and she smashed them into her head repeatedly.

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