chapter 11

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"Wilbur where are you taking me?" I giggle, my hand over my eye, my free hand holding Wilbur's. "It's a surprise!" Wilbur leads me somewhere, I'm scared, yet excited. Wilbur was taking me somewhere, was this considered a date? Sam would definitely say yes, Chat would too most likely. I sit down on the ground. "Alright. Open your eyes." I move my hand away from my eyes and open them.

I gasp. I look around. A beautiful garden full with flowers and trees surround me. "Oh my god Wilbur! This is amazing!" I say. He chuckles. "Thought you would like it. Sam recommended it." I didn't notice I let go of Wilbur's hand, so I grab it. I stand up, I bring Will up with me. "This place is gorgeous!" I hug Wilbur.

I let go of him. "This doesn't feel complete without music." I grab my phone and start playing my liked songs. Will puts his hand on my waist and takes my hand. "Are you trying to dance with me?" I laugh. "Yes. Yes I am." Wilbur chuckles. We dance for a couple of minutes. I hear Wilbur's voice come from my phone. "You'd think he'd realize," Will looks at me, then at the phone. "You've been listening to Lovejoy's songs?" He asks, surprised. "Of course! I'm your biggest fan." I state proudly. (italic: wilbur singing on the recording of the song) (bold: y/n and wilbur on the recording singing together) (bold and italic: everyone singing together)

"But he's infatuated with ideas, of possessions and far-flung social policy." I walk away from Wilbur. I wait till the song gets to the chorus. "Now it's red, now it's dead, now it's everything she needed." I continue waiting, but I'm standing still for suspense. Alright, here it is. I think. "I'VE BEEN SCARED OF SLEEPING WITH THE LIGHTS ON!" Wilbur laughs. "KNOW SHE'S NOT THERE, I KNOW SHE'S GOING TO HIS FLAT!" I scream out the lyrics. "A CAPRICORN, OH FUCK THAT!" Wilbur runs towards me. "THEY SAY SEX SELLS, I KNOW THAT!!" Me and Wilbur scream.

"Have you memorized all of the lyrics?" I rub my neck. "I mean... All of the songs maybe." Wilbur grabs my shoulders. "You have a serious obsession with Lovejoy. IT'S UNHEALTHY Y/N!"


"Do we have to go?" I whine. "Y/n. It's snowing."

"YEAH. IN FUCKING (month)!" I scream at him. I start running. "Are you coming?" I yell to Will. He starts to run after me. Wilbur soon catches up, he yanks my shirt. I yelp. "Wilbur what the FUCK?!" Wilbur laughs.


"Y/n come here." I walk over to Wilbur. "What is it Will?"

"I love you."

"Say what?" I stare blankly at Will. "I said," Will pauses. "I love you." The boy leans in. I have an idea of what he's about to do. So, I do the same. Wilbur pulls away. I burry my head into his chest, hearing his calming heartbeat. "I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Wilbur."

1.4 pages word count: 543


that's all u get for this chapter 

I said, I love you - Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now