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Three months have passed since the trolls have become united but still choose to live in their own territories Alexis is out walking with Darnell and Cooper one day after them suggesting to take a walk together in the woods close to Pop Village.

"So how come you guys wanted to come out here with me? You seemed pretty insistent on coming." Alexis says as both boys look at her.

"No reason really." Darnell says as he smiles causing Alexis to look at him.

"No reason? Come on you two. I know you a little better than that by now. What's up?" Alexis asks as the brothers look at each other.

"You sure you won't judge us if we tell you?" Darnell asks as Alexis gives him a really look.

"Guys give a good hard look at what I am and what I'm able to do. Do you honestly think I would judge you guys? Especially with me having no room for judgement myself?" Alexis asks as she gestures to herself.

"Well at least promise us this. That you'll hear us out and try to be open minded." Cooper says as Alexis looks at him.

"Guys just tell me. I'm not gonna judge you. I wouldn't ever do you guys that way. You know that." Alexis says.

"We know you're perfect in our eyes but fear can still cloud that at times." Cooper says.

"What are you talking about?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Alexis we like you." Darnell says.

"I like you both too. Why was that so hard to tell me? You guys had me worried you got into some kind of trouble by how you were talking." Alexis says.

"No no. We mean we love you. Like really love you." Darnell says.

"You guys love me?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Look Alexis we've been hiding it because we didn't think you would feel the same. We were also worried you would hate us if we told you." Cooper says nervously.

"To us Alexis you're everything. You're perfect to us. You're the one we've both been looking for in our lives. We realized it not long after all the trolls made peace. We made an agreement if you chose just one of us we would be okay with it." Darnell says.

"And would be even more thrilled if you chose us both." Cooper says happily.

"We both want you as a our girlfriend and our future queen. To be by our side for the rest of our lives. We know it's asking a lot considering our background but we love you. We really do. We would do anything to see you happy. To us you mean the world. We don't want any other girl but you." Darnell says.

"Are you guys joking with me or something?" Alexis asks.

"Why would we be joking?" Cooper asks.

"Because Biggie pulled a stunt like this last month because of some rock trolls dared him to. Before you ask no I don't love Biggie. Just making sure I'm not walking into someones brilliant idea of a prank again." Alexis says.

"No were telling the truth. Every word. Nothing is a lie." Cooper says.

"We would never do that to you." Darnell says.

"Guys I only thought it was a prank because of Biggie's little stunt and because you guys just didn't come off to me as caring for me that way. I had no idea. You guys always act like friends around me. You're just really affectionate and you guys always seem to want to do nice things for me and do things with me. I just always grew up seeing displays like that as people being friends. But then again the guy I did date before I left Harmony valley didn't treat me the best to begin with." Alexis says.

Royal Hearts Trolls Cooper X OC Alexis X DarnellDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora