The Great Escape

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*You expect one of those annoying gods to speak again, but it seems no one is here. Who is reading the story? You think. The voice reading the story to you is unfamiliar, but you have a small feeling of familiarity. Oh well, doesn't matter who reads the story, it's a story.*

"Hello, you may not know me right now. I can tell. But trust me, I know this story better than anyone. No god compares to the knowledge of this life story."


  Me and Kai stare at each other, trying to read each other's mind to find an escape plan. Well, just me, Kai is only staring because he is confused why I am staring at him like I was. Let me say, I was staring at him weirdly. I end up sighing and looking down at my feet in defeat, for I have not found any clues on how to escape this hell hole.

But just as my faith in this escape, Kai spoke up- well more like he whispered, since we did not want to wake up our parents. "We can't leave all abrupt, that causes suspicion, plus, Garroth needs to leave as well." 

I look down at my feet for one more second before looking back up at my very tall brother. "I know that, but Garroth is too young, If we try to bring him, he will end up alerting the parents." -Yes, we say "The parents", just because we prefered that they were not labeled as "Our parents"-

"As much as I want to disagree, you are correct Grimm. Sadly we can not bring Garroth. However, once he gets a little more mature, we HAVE to come back for him, and only him. Got it?" Kai -almost lectured- me while looking at me with a stern look on his face. It's as if he thinks I dislike Garroth, I'm 15, give me a break. The only reason I sounded like I disliked Garroth, was because he is like 7 or 8, of course I would get annoyed and not want him to ruin the only chance of relief and freedom that we will get. Our only plant was to go out a window, like Kira did. It causes less suspicion, if we are quiet, stealthy, and strong enough to jump out of an open window without whining, or complaining. I love my little brother, don't get me wrong. It's just, I want to make sure that it is safe, that we can have a place to live, food to eat, and a life worth living. If Garroth doesn't join the first time, that is great, because, me and Kai can get everything set up, and make sure it is safe. Then finally we will return in a couple years to retrieve him. You didn't think I would abandon him, did you? 

 "Of course, Garroth is our true family. I wouldn't ditch him like that." I sighed. "Now, we need to go, first, we need to make sure we can make it down from my window safely." I finally concluded.

 "Understood." Kai said. 

                                          Now, freedom is just a hair away.... I can't wait!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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