Chapter Three

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The shrine was eerily quiet. Every step they took had Phoebe on edge, her eyes shifting around the dark corridors any time she heard the wind. Her group had gone down into the basement, which ended up appearing more like a crypt that seemed even larger than the main ground floor. There was little light, save for the candles within the lanterns every few feet. And among the lanterns were dark statues and ancient markings etched in the crack walls.

This place seemed endless, and it put Phoebe on edge. She and the others in her group remained quiet and on guard, keeping a look out for all potential ambushes. No one appeared, but the deep they explored these halls, a low chanting echoed towards them. Madam Quinn had signaled them to be quiet and follow her lead, descending down a spiral staircase at the end of the corridor. 

Phoebe's mark was itching like crazy at this point, almost to the point of throbbing. And it only got worse the further they traveled down the staircase. She held back her discomfort, though she brought up a hand to squeeze it through her clothes. Whatever these Seekers were trying to do down there, they needed to stop it.

As they drew closer to the bottom, a green light illuminated the stairwell and the chanting grew louder. The discomfort worsened, and she had to grit her teeth to keep her voice in. Whatever was happening down there was nothing short of immoral.

"Be ready," Madam Quinn ordered quietly, looking over her shoulder. "Tobias, send out a signal to others."

Tobias nodded, carefully weaving light between his hands before whispering their coordinates to the glowing sphere. Then he gave it a push forward, the sphere breaking off into three smaller balls and jetting out towards the other parties.

"Good. Now quietly..."

She motioned her hand to have them follow her. The group was cautious, stealthily reaching the bottom of the stairs and edging into the dark corners of a large hall, almost like that of the Great Hall of the Imperial Palace. At least twenty Seekers were standing in a circle, while dozens of others stood in rows behind them, their chants even louder than before. They stood around a large demonic statue that was against the wall, with another Seeker standing before it and facing it directly. Strange and crude markings were written both on the wall and the floor that glowed as their chanting grew louder.

Phoebe gritted her teeth as her birthmark tingled and itched, almost to the point of pain. She could help but crawl her fingers into her robe, trying to rub over it for some relief. Yet, no matter what she did, it wouldn't stop.


The voice caused the group to turn to the Seeker standing by the statue. He removed his hood, his gaunt face glowing among the markings. Yet, despite his appearance, his blue eyes were bright with excitement as he looked down upon the others. The whole group tensed up at his presence, looking between each other anxiously. Malcolm Broyles – the man they had been looking for. This was their chance to take him down, to put a stop to the Seekers as they knew them.

They knew he had been here, but to confront him directly... Phoebe and Tobias exchanged glances. He had always been rather powerful and proficient in magic. Phoebe was confident in their own abilities, but he was strong. And perhaps his time with the seekers only improved his power. And there was no telling how much strength he had gained dabbling with dark magic.

"The time has come," he said. "We will finally bring forth a new era to the empire! These wretched sinners must be cleansed. Our world must be reborn in order to fully appease our Goddess and our Creator! The Veil will be torn! Tonight!"

Phoebe couldn't believe this nonsense. Worse yet, she couldn't believe that they were actually going to tear down the Veil. It shouldn't have been possible. The sort of power needed to tear it down was not something mere mortals could possess. Even if all the Seekers across the empire worked together, it would never be enough to tear it down. There was no way they were going to be able to tear it down!

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