Chapter 3: Getting to and off Rockford Island

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       Mack was standing at the window, waiting for William Ashford to come in to talk. "Mr. Haman" William says very politely, as Mack turns "Mr. Ashford, I come to make a deal, I can hold off Wesker, if I could get the T-Veronica Virus from you and your sister" he states.

    "How would I know that man won't kill you" the male Ashford twin says. "Because of this " Mack says putting his hand to his stomach. "If he still has some humanity in him, he wouldn't try it" Haman picks up conversation again. 

     Mack lied to the male Ashford twin saying that he was forced into the Project W Virus and both G and T Virus. And that was forced into a relationship with Wesker, it was all planned by Wesker and Haman, to get William Ashford to trust him.

    "I'll go and try to slow him down and a young man by the name of Chris is here, I will try to hold him off as well" Mack said and left.  He met up with Wesker and told him that Chris was here and looking for Claire but she was somewhere else.

     "We need to take it slow I felt the baby kick while I was talking with the young Ashford boy. I also told him I'll try to hold off Chris" Mack says kissing Wesker as they had a small make out session. Footsteps were heard and Chris showed up, as Wesker told Mack to take cover as he didn't want the baby to get hurt or Mack himself.

     A fight ensued between Wesker and Chris. Then guns went off and Mack was shot in the shoulder, he yelped in pain and Wesker heard it and lunged at Chris knocking the younger male  out. "Wesker it's not that bad I'll heal" Mack says with a hint of pain, "No your not your hurt, and..... and" Wesker was stopped by Mack kissing him.

   As the bullet slowly popped out and fell to the ground. Then his wound healed and he stood up, he went and stood beside Wesker and saw Chris on the ground and out. "He's alive, don't worry. It will be a while, maybe a Half Hour, so we should go" Wesker says walking out, but Mack just stood there contemplating if what he was doing was right.

    Wesker knew what  his fiance was thinking, "Mack we have been over this, your doing this for the greater good" Wesker says and Mack stats back "I know but we were once S.T.A.R.S and we were also his friends and he trusted us and we betrayed him and all of them" then Mack broke down crying.

     When Wesker tried to comfort him Mack just hit him away. "Stay away from me, I Never really wanted this life. You out of all people should know that" Mack says and Wesker was shocked that he said that, but proud of him to say it. "Look Mack I-I can't lose you and-and you only made me feel human." Wesker says and the Ashford boy came out and down from where he was.

    "Well, Well, your a very good lair and a very good actor" Ashford says as Mack was now pointing a gun at his head, no longer beside Albert. Then Ashford took the gun out of Mack and pointed the gun at Mack's stomach, they heard a gun shot and Ashford fell down to the ground. 

    Mack runs to Chris and helps him up, "Chris I'm sorry for what I did and I didn't mean to say that stuff back in Raccoon City." Mack says reminding Chris that the man helping him up, said a few things before the Spencer Mansion insadent.

    "Wesker, I'm not working for you or who you work with anymore" Mack says helping Chris to a jet to get to Claire and save her from the Ashford Girl. Mack yet again lied, part of the plan, from earlier, Chris finding Claire and getting out together. 

      Mack found his way off the island and finds Wesker with the T-Veronica Virus in hand. "Got it babe" Mack says and Wesker nod then says "nice acting honey." "D-Did you mean what you said, you're not working with me" Wesker speaks up, "like you said, I was acting, I went to acting at university" Mack says. 

  "I will continue to help Chris and Jill, I have also looked ahead and the Las Plogas is in Spain"  Mack says as he landed the plane and a couple of medics came out and took him the med day. "Wait the babies are ready now" Wesker says completely ignoring the Los Plogas speech and Mack nods. 

     "I informed them before I found you" Mack states as he starts pushing. About three hours later two baby boys were born on December 14 1998, boy A,  his name is Albert Mack Jr Wesker (AJ Wesker for short) and boy B, his name is Micheal Steve Wesker. 

"We're losing him" one Dr says and then Albert looks and sees that Mack's heart rate was going down. "Let me in to help him" Wesker says in anger and the Dr's let him in and Wesker started to do CPR, "Get me the remaining Project W Virus and make it Quick, I don't want to lose him" he says again. The Doctors nodded and got the Virus and Injected Mack with it, and his heart started to beat again. 

"Leave us" Wesker said more calmly and everyone leaves. He got up and off his fiance and picks up AJ, "you almost look like me, but you have your other Fathers eyes" he says as AJ opens his eyes and giggles.

"Hey, I think he likes you" Mack says and Wesker looks towards him and replies, "you should be sleeping, you did die on us."

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