Lost feelings🍎🌸

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So like. I'mma need to update this shit badly
I'm sorry for ghosting y'all
But like
And drama fucking happened so like


This will update in 2-3 business days

Rf au : Dodozoi17 on tiktok

So you know how Walden and Julie divorced right? But did you know the actual reason to it.

Yes we know they lost their daughter and Walden fell down a rabbit hole. But what if their daughter didn't die but was tooken away by CPS? Now that's something to fight over. But after the divorce some feelings just hung there like a lose thread, no words no sound just almost like the words didn't break the tension even other people could feel it.

We understand from waldens point of view he still loves his Julie but what about Julie? Has she moved on? Has she forgot about her past love life? What if she couldn't move on and tried many other guys and they didn't work? Well now we go through her point of view. See you at the end.

Mini Warning ⚠
Vulgar language
Self harm or mentions of self harm
Mention of suicide or attempted suicide
Drinking usage
Smoke usage
Mentions of sexual things
Mini warnings ⚠

Ah mornings, warm and nice you can wake up to nice smell of breakfast or kids wanting to play with you. Not for this woman, once the alarm went off the demon or rainbow monster turned off her alarm got out of bed stretched she thought someone else was laying with her. Nope it was just the after thought of her dreams, yes Julie joyful formally married to Walden Darling got up ever morning getting ready for the bakery even the weekends. When brushing her long beautiful blonde hair while brushing her teeth Julie thought, after the divorce Julie hadn't had other people maybe a couple times but the divorce happened last year so maybe she could. Sally has been begging her to come with her to a club every Friday since drinks and food is free for girls and knowing Sally she loves free shit, since today was Friday and Julie usually worked half time at the bakery she decided to grab out her dress/long sleeve kinda male like (whichever you prefer to see Julie in) Julie wouldn't have to bend down in the dress and the long sleeve would make her look like a male but her chest would cause them to think she was a woman

(You choose)

You know what a long sleeve looks like you can imagine it:DI believe in you

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You know what a long sleeve looks like you can imagine it:D
I believe in you

Back to the story.

Julie deciding to go on the dress (to save me time I'mma use the dress but then take this and replace it as a long sleeve or you can have her wearing the long sleeve next Friday in the story) when she put it on it was already a bit above her knees the dark green matched her beautiful green eyes she loved the dress even the poofy sleeves she put on black see through tights then black heels styled her now brushed hair put on some natural makeup. Julie was at work help serving customers as per usual, some tried grabbing her thigh but she had slapped there hands away. Once it came time to go to the club Julie already felt uneasy since Sally wanted her to mingle get someone in bed then have them leave the next morning. That's till she met someone named Micheal, basically this boy wore like a peachy tan shirt tall mess sandy blonde hair blue eyes and a tanner skin basically a basic man that she always meets. It reminded her of the time she met Walden his mullet blue hair being styled in pompadour they just like met they became friends, started dating then after Walden went to get wood even Julie wanted to go and help but he didn't need it but then....a tree fell on his left she was even lucky that she found Walden they had to remove his arm and Barnaby at the time placed on his new arm it was metal and skeleton like..Julie didn't leave him she stayed with him even if Walden had the missing arm, one time the arm came off and Walden just was in pain for the whole day but he didn't show it usually till he got home to cuddle with Julie. Julie normally helped him out with stuff like this, but back to the present now.

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