chapter 1 the two princes

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After lord garmadons defeat the ninja had begun getting lazy with the exception of Malakai and nya who continued training Wu then walked to the training grounds Kai and nya then walks over to Wu and says"they still have yet to prepare for my father's return and I could betray them at any moment"the two then entered the game room to find the other ninja playing video games Wu then unplugged their game after the few months of peace the ninja had grown out of shape quite a bit and while the ninja argue with their master nya enters the room and tells them"guys lord garmadon he's returned"Kai then immediately says"father"as he walked out the room quickly as he got on the fire dragon(I don't remember the name of it)with nya as they flew of to jamanakai village once they get there however they are disappointed to find Lloyd there instead of his father Kai then sighs and says"my idiot brother truly believes himself to be our father hello Lloyd"Lloyd is surprised to have seen his brother again"Malakai what are you doing here"(same as the series only with nya instead of Kai) Lloyd had released the serpentine and attacked the village for candy and Kai wasn't exactly happy about this because as he put it"what Lloyd is doing is an insult to all things evil and he released the serpentine"the ninja went to the defense of jamanakai village and Malakai helped fight the serpentine and mind controlled villagers and ended up getting the staff with the anti venom and ended Lloyds fun for the time being until Zane informed them of where Lloyds base is and they went of to destroy it in order to prevent him from getting a foot hold in Ninjago after cutting three of the support of the treehouse Cole started attacking the other ninja when he sees this Kai then states"if anyone is going to betray anyone here it's going to be me"before blasting him with his power of destruction as Wu flies in on the fire dragon and uses a strange flute to stop the mind control the ninja then get of the treehouse on the fire dragon after Malakai creates a blade out of darkness and cuts the final rope as they fly of only to find the monastery completely burned down"if you hadn't followed that silly bird none of this wouldve happened"Cole says to Zane and everyone but Kai and Wu agree with it Kai knew the monastery would be destroyed one way or another weither it was by the serpentine or something else as a whole Zane left after a poor attempt at calming them down and without a home the ninja are practically freezing alive as Zane returns and informed them of their new home the next day Wu wanted the ninja to clean their home to which nya Cole responds"ninja fight we don't clean"but they end up having to anyways
One spinjitzu based cleaning montage later
After the ninja were done Kai was slightly annoyed and impressed at the lengths they were willing to go to in order to save time jays parents ed and Edna(I think that's their names I can't remember)had stopped by to visit despite the ninja just moving in(yeah it's pretty shitty logic in season one of Ninjago like how did they know where they were) never the less they left after seeing"the button"and jay warning them about the serpentine and the ninja guilt trip jay into going to the junkyard which disgusted Kai quite a bit"I still cannot believe you were raised in a fucking junkyard mate"to which jay countered with"your one to talk you lived in that underground hellscape your entire life"Kai only says one word "touche"before jay says"it's quiet my families never quiet"before rushing in to find Lloyd with the fangpire after he was betrayed by the hypnobry "Lloyd Montgomery garmadon don't you know who's side you should be on"Lloyd then turns up the music playing on the boom box and states"sorry uncle can't hear you"as he finished he noticed his older brother glaring at him which terrified him as an army of the fangpire gathered around him he unleashed his power of destruction which killed all of them thinning their numbers drastically before controlling a giant pile of trash in the shape of a statue which ed says is"a monument in your honor son"before it gets blasted and destroyed by Kai after watching that occur the fangpire attempt to retreat however they are followed by the ninja on their elemental vehicles in order to get the anti venom in the generals staff which they are successful after this they flee to the bounty and cure jays parents before they can celebrate they need to escape the serpentine and with some help from jays father they escaped and Lloyd was betrayed by the fangpire and the hypnobry Lloyd now sought to find the anacondry to"have a tussle"with the two tribes and Lloyd is disappointed to find only one alive pythor the two then inconvenience various people pissing them off in the process before taking over Lloyds old boarding school which leads to Lloyd being betrayed and Wu taking him in(same as the show but once again nya as Kai I'm doing this because I'm lazy okay)"did you put him up to this"a very angry jay asked Kai only for him to state"while I am proud of my little brother for making you lot fight each other I had nothing to do with it perhaps some bloak wanted to teach you a lesson of sorts"he said slightly glancing at Wu knowing his uncle had something to do with this Cole then says"alright I get first dibs"to which he is blitzed by Kai and trapped with a black katana at his throat"I'll admit my younger brother is a bit annoying at times but he's still my family so if you lay even a finger on him you will meet an end so cruel the devil will weep"he states before letting him free after which nya gets an idea and locates the remaining serpentine tribes(same as the show)"are you coming with us Malakai"jay asks the prince to which he responds"I think I'll stay back with Lloyd for the time being"(same as the series)after the ninjas failures to prevent the tribes from being released losing the flute and being saved by kai but not before he cuts of a bit of pythors tail the team decide the next best course of action is to stop them from uniting which they did by gaslighting them into believing rumors in a similar fashion to what Lloyd did but that didn't last long as they were chased by the tribes only to be saved by Zane's pink ninja suit and a random advertisement that is for whatever reason in a underground subway the next day nya dropped Lloyd of at an arcade which she somehow did while avoiding the angry watchful eyes of his older brother mostly because he doesn't trust them with Lloyds safety and his distrust is well placed or he just needs to get Lloyd better tactical skills as he got captured by the serpentine no surprise there never the less the ninja with kai threatening them at sword point went to save him(there's no fight with samurai x because she doesn't exist)only to end up with them fleeing with Lloyd after kai destroyed most of their forces soon later the ninja go on a adventure with Zane after he sees the falcon again and discovers he's a robot and awakens his true potential recover a fangpire skeleton skull and jay got pricked by it's fangs and he wasn't very subtle about hiding it and somehow got a date with nya while the others were trying to prevent the tribes from getting the 1st fangblade which they were unsuccessful but jay did unlock his true potential the ninja went after the second fangblade or bladecup trophy which they won only to have it stolen by pythor and Cole unlocked his true potential anyways episode ten is the same only nya gets stopped from attacking garmadon by malakai and she unlocked her true potential(at least for her fire element) and Lloyd is saved by his father and nya soon after pythor recovers the third fangblade(same as the series)the ninja were captured by the serpentine and Lloyd eventually showed up and states'if we don't meet again pythor release my friends or suffer humiliation against the green ninja"which pythor asks"you and what army"without noticing the skeleton army with garmadon himself as he says"how about this army"pythor then asks"the skeleton army why would they fight along side you you betrayed them and samukai long ago to which one of them yells"because everybody hates snakes"before the two armies charge at each other while Lloyd managed to free the ninja and malakai already started the decimation process of the serpentine after the team get the fangblades they escape but before they do the same skeleton says"don't worry about us we'll keep fighting the good fight"which disappointed malakai and they got to the bounty unbeknownst to them pythor had snuc on board somehow (don't ask me how I'm as confused as you are believe me) the next day the ninja prepare to destroy the fangblades but of course pythor stops them and gets the blades before heading to the lost city of hourabourus(idk how it's spelled)a long chase ensues but only to end in failure as pythor had released the great devourer and got eaten along with wu in the process and the rest of the serpentine fleed to the fangpire tomb to hide like the cowardly snakes they are the ninja came up with a plan to beat it or at least have a way to they needed to give it a weakness so they decided to use the tornado of creation nya started of with"fire"(fyi nyas spinjitzu is red and blue) it continued  with Zane"ice"jay"lightning"Cole"earth"but what they didn't expect was to hear a British accented voice say"darkness" the tornado was unlike before had a more destructive focus although it still creates it does so to destroy(basically it creates things to destroy the cause being malakais inherited element of destruction and the ultra sonic raider looks the same just with a extra seat and a more dark color to it) never the less it still worked as now the great devourer had a weak spot(same as the series)the ninja couldnt believe what they were seeing garmadon had jumped of a building where the devourer was trapped and it exploded  but garmadon took their weapons as payment for killing it he and his son go to the golden peaks birthplace of the golden weapons and were combined to make a single weapons the mega weapon
Sorry it took so long to make chapter 2 mates I haven't had internet the past few days and if you can't tell I'm writing the full season every chapter and I will be doing lemons at some point in this fanfic also I could use some fucking ideas for the sins of our past

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