An endless end

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Grade 12 has come to an end. All the friends that pretended to stand next to you are gone in the blink of an eye. All the stress has only left negative consequences. Everyone is happy about graduating, But you are still looking at the boy from last year who dropped out of grade 11, the boy you came to school for every day. he forgot you but you did not
forget him. he does not even know your name while you know his background. For years you were excited for him to see you when he does not even remember you. All the longer routes you took to see him one more time. Each time, as soon as the bell rang, you hurried to stand behind him. Every single argument you made with your friends about sitting next to his table. All of that was pointless. Love is cruel. it felt like the two of you weren't meant to be together. It felt like you had different distineys, even though you wanted so badly to share one with him. he walked away from you as you followed his every step.

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