Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Batman

A/n: just so you guys know I am changing the love interest.


Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarms clock as it beeped loudly. I groan and slam my plan on the stop button silencing it. I yawn and sat up and look around me unsure of where I was until I remembered

Y/n mind: in the Titans tower can't believe I forgot that.

Suddenly I hear auntie kori voice over the inter comms.

Starfire: time to get up everyone. 

Y/n: well time to get up I guess.

I got out of the bed and got of my sleep wear and put on my new costume. I then but my normal clothes over it. I then open my door and bump into aunt kori.

Kori: oh y/n your awake I was just coming to get you.

Y/n: well am up so is it training first or breakfast.

Kori: training of course.

Y/n: ahh be right behind you.

Time skip to training room

I stood in the training from with the others in my suit as me and the others watch a sparing match between Aunt kori and uncle dick. Aunt kori had a wooden training Bo staff and uncle dick was using wooden close combat twin fighting sticks.

Dick: may I have this dance my lady.

Kori: you may good sir if you can keep up.

Dick: I think I can mange.

Start at 0:17 stop at 0:34

Beastboy: that's a point for starfire.

Blue beetle: is he always this bad a fighting you.

Starfire: oh now he is still quite efficient in bed when....

Nightwing: KORI!!!!

Raven: talk about deja vu.

No one pov

Nightwing blushes and then coughs into his fist.

Nightwing: alright next up is y/n.

Y/n: ok who will I training against. 

Jaime: I'll take you on.

Y/n: ok it's your funeral.

We got into the training arena and we took our positions.

Y/n: ready when ever you are.

Jaime: you'll regret that.

POV change we

No ones pov

Blue beetle make two arm cannons and fires you jump into the air and run around and avoid the blasts.  You take out a batarang and throw it at beetle he shoots at it and it explodes.

Blue beetle: gotta say your good but let's see how good.

Blue beetle then makes his wings and starts shooting at you from the air.

Future Batman male reader x teen Titans Where stories live. Discover now