Chapter 19- We feel the same?

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I looked up at him, hovering above me with a tender smile, as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I could feel the connection between me and Letum as soon as we met. Although my initial reaction to him had been apprehension, his gentle gaze seemed to pull me in and I longed to get closer to him.

Tonight felt different. I had taken a few moments to be alone with him and he had given me his blood. As soon as I drank it, I felt a warmth radiating inside me and it filled me with new sensations. My body desired him.

I stepped closer to him and he seemed to understand my desire. His eyes locked with mine and we moved as one. His hands reached out and softly caressed my hips, drawing me even closer to him. His lips then found mine and we kissed passionately. I felt a surge of energy throughout my body, intensifying with each passing moment.

Letum continued exploring my body with his hands, heating my skin with each touch. His passion was evident in every move. I could feel my anticipation building and I clung to him, wanting more.

The moment had become electric and I felt the intensity of every kiss and caress. He pressed his body against me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing him to deepen the kiss. I was completely lost in it.

Letum carried me to the bed and laid me down. His kisses and caresses felt like fire on my skin and his passion consumed me. I wanted him more than anything I had ever desired. His body moved on mine, sending waves of pleasure and ecstasy through me, and I surrendered completely.

The power of our connection transferred through us and I experienced something deeper than I ever imagined. I was connected to him and in some way I felt closer and more alive than I had ever before. I felt a connection to something powerful and it was an experience unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The intensity of our connection lasted into the early morning hours and I craved more of him. His blood had given me a power I had never known - a power I never wanted to lose.

I rolled to my side and faced him, "I.." I was at a loss of words, I never expected he would feel these things for me.

"I have to come clean about a few things," he sighed, rolling on his back and facing the ceiling.

Curiosity filled me, and I nodded my head, acting as docile as I felt.

"Do you remember all of those gifts that were left at your door step. Like the little glass bottle, containing my energy?" He questioned.

"Of course I do.. those gifts meant a lot to me..." I explained, pulling the satin sheets over my body.

"It was me. I knew you far longer that you knew me. I would sit and watch you with admiration, too nervous to approach you. The night of the blood moon sacrifice, I knew they chose you. And of course, I would never kill and consume the blood of the only one I've loved. So, I said you were expected to be my bride. I felt like it was the only way I could keep you safe. I'm sorry..."

His words pierced me,  unable to believe that all this time, I felt bound to him, it was a facade. It was hard to come to terms with, but I believed that he had no harmful intention. Unlike Miles. Or Lord Archer.

"Why would you keep that from me.." I asked skepticism rising in my voice.

"I know you don't think so but, I'm nervous. Really fucking nervous when I'm around you."

"Oh. Wow."
He turned to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. My heard warmed, and butterflies exploded in my stomach as I hugged him back.

Is this love??

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