Account - Ancient Walkers

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There was once a time that we looked to the sky for answers. Both the day and the night held certain secrets that one had to look hard into to find any meaning. But only when darkness fell did the world reveal itself as it really was. I remember seeing a disturbance in the sky, caused by the faded light of the sun. It spoke of coming dangers that we weren't prepared to face. It spoke of heated temperatures of molten rock. It spoke of death, but also of renewal.

A time was coming when we would decide the course of the universe for all eternity. We saw a glimpse into the future, and knew exactly what was going to happen as time went on. The world was a different place back then, with every person coexisting with the rest as one. We would face the danger together, without fear, aware that everything would work out in the end. I wasn't fully convinced. I peered through my telescope at the sky, hoping it would give me an answer towards this horrible fate. I saw the molten rock falling from above, moving faster than we could prepare.

They weren't afraid, though. They told me everything would be alright. I lay in the grass as the sky lit up in bright light, a sure sign of the storm. Just as it appeared, I closed my eyes. I soon realized why no one was scared. They knew the world would be saved tomorrow, even if it was lost today. I felt comforted by this thought as the heat scorched the ground. I let my tension go for the last time.

And faded away into the light.

Fade (Walker #74033 fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now