Chapter 9

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"I'm not sure I follow," Jevden said as #20 drove along a gravel packed road. Rolling green hills extended out as far as the eye could see, revealing a deep blue sky populated by numerous wisps of clouds.

"This monument is one of the more important ones we've found so far," #20 replied simply, keeping his eyes focused ahead. "After we get it scanned and into our drones' code system, we'll have to check that it's got the right specs for the World of Walker."

"To do what?"

"Power it, essentially."

"So, it gives the World of Walker energy?"

"It's hard to explain," #20 replied dismissively. "But that is the extent of how it works."

Jevden glanced over to the right, where he saw what had to be one of the biggest monuments he'd seen since his time here. It looked like some sort of generator, though made of stone, and was shaped like a bowl angled toward the sky. He stared at it as they rounded a bend and continued toward it, unable to comprehend its size.

"We probably should've brought the others with us."

#20 laughed. "Don't be scared; it's not as complicated as you may think." He climbed out and activated his drone.

Jevden did the same, uncertainly, and directed it up into the air, allowing the scanning process to begin. He watched it absentmindedly as it danced around the generator, the blue energy field flowing around its surface like an ocean wave. Every so often they would change their position, walking around the hulking structure to ensure that every area of it got covered. He raised his hand higher, allowing the drone to rise above the generator until it became a small sphere in the sky. After about five minutes, he began walking back toward #20, bringing his drone down and around the side of the monument.

"Hey, #20?" Jevden felt awkward saying that, though he realized that he didn't even know his name. "Can I ask you something?"

"Depending on what it is. I'll do my best to answer."

Jevden took a deep breath. "Do you know where #88888 is right now?"

"On a mission with the Unity Force," he responded automatically. "It's very common for them to be out in the field for long periods of time."

"Yes, but I mean where?" Jevden pressed. "She said she'd be back, but I haven't seen her at all."

"You know that's something I can't disclose," #20 said, eyes still focused on the monument.

"Why?" Jevden asked, his patience breaking. "What is it that you all have to keep secret from everyone else?"

"Only what we're certain you should be allowed to know," he said coolly. "What would you do with the information if I gave it to you? Go run off and join her? We keep things confidential for all the Walkers' safety."

"It would just ease my mind a bit if I had an idea," Jevden replied, frowning. "She's the first Walker I've ever met, and it would help to know that she's ok."

#20's eyes flickered down, then lowered his hand. His drone floated back down to the ground. "Look," he said in a low voice. "You were told everything that you had to know to be here. It's not my place to reveal all the bits of information that get passed around up top, but I can assure you that #88888 and her team are fine. In fact, she contacted me earlier to say that they'll be back within a few days."

Jevden nodded, though he found that he still wasn't satisfied. "Why should specific Walkers get to know important things? Safety or not, we have a right to know."

#20 locked eyes with him. "That would come down to those we trusted to handle that information carefully." Jevden could tell by his tone that he probably didn't fall into that category.

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