Chapter 12

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Jevden felt oddly refreshed as he walked to the elevator, glancing out the windows in the hall. The blue sky was obscured today, being overrun with various gray clouds, some darker than others. From this side, he could just see the city in the distance, looming ominously in the low light. He couldn't help but think about the RX-8's that could be swarming those streets at the very moment, signifying the coming danger of Red Nexus. Jevden had noticed that many Walkers seemed on edge, uncertainty and stress visible in their eyes. Red Nexus had an impact on them, and the fact that they could be right around the corner wasn't sitting well with the Walkers in the Compound. He looked down as he walked into the elevator, wishing there was something he could do to help. Of course, he knew that he was helping; being an Explorer and finding those monuments was bringing them closer to finally creating the World of Walker and being safe from Red Nexus forever.

At least, that's what he thought, as the elevator doors opened, beckoning him out into the ground level. The floor was bustling as it usually was, but the snippets of conversation he was able to pick up as he moved through the crowd were tense and uncertain. He frowned sadly as he made his way into the room where he first met Walker #20. He was talking to a small group of Walkers, each one holding the AW diecast, with grim determination in his eyes. He sent them off as Jevden approached him.

"#74033, is something wrong?" He asked, pulling his mask up.

"I'm just surprised you didn't come get me," Jevden replied. "Are we scanning anything today?"

"I am, but you can't."

Jevden raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

He folded his arms. "The other Leaders got back to me on the little fiasco that took place yesterday. Incidents like that can't go unpunished, so they've come up with their decision on what to do with you."

Jevden looked confused. "What do you mean?"

#20 took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Basically, they put you on house arrest. For a week, you're not allowed to go out on Explorer missions or take part in World of Walker affairs. Your drone has also been deactivated."

Jevden's eyes widened. He picked it up off his belt and tried tossing it in the air. The drone remained in its dormant state, falling back down into his hand. "That's ridiculous. Limiting me isn't going to get us any closer to completing the project. If they want us to be safe from Red Nexus, I should be able to assist."

"And how do we know something like this won't happen again?" #20 retorted. "Assaulting Leaders isn't right in this community, and we have to make sure that behavior isn't tolerated. And don't be worried too much about Red Nexus; the Security is ensuring that they stay away from the Compound."

"Except, I'm also a Leader," Jevden replied angrily. "I thought I was getting treated equally now to the others."

"The way they see it, you're a young Walker who doesn't know the rules enough to follow them. I'm sorry, but I can't convince them otherwise."

"Would you if you could?" Jevden asked quietly.

His eyes flickered away for a second. "It's not that I don't see your potential, but you have to understand how to act in this community. Just ride it out; it'll be over before you know it. But I've got to go now, so I'll talk to you in a little bit." He turned around and started walking towards the garage doors at the far end of the room.

Jevden shook his head and headed back, infuriated. He knew #20 was right, but he felt like he was being more excluded than before. He inhaled deeply, trying to clear his mind. Eventually, there would be a time that he could live up to his former self, whoever that was.

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