A Villain At Heart

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Married?? Is this a joke.
My soon to be husband arrived in his car, you had no idea who it was but as a family tradition I was  forced to marry him.
My older brother left as the man's car pulled up on the side of the road.

The man stepped out of the car, he was tall and his hair was black and messy. He was quite attractive but he also looked scary.
"Ryan" he glared at me.
"Ophelia" I whispered looking down.
A wave of sadness overwhelmed you, you didn't want to spend the rest of your life with this man.
"I don't want to get married." You spat out.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised and insulted that those were the first few words that I chose to tell him.

Then his expression changed
"You think I wanna get married to you? Pfft." He rolled his eyes.
It was settled, neither of us wanted this marriage, why should we ruin our lives for our families sake??
I slowly turned around to go back home but he grabbed your wrist and pulled me into the car.
"We don't have a choice, just don't make a fuss." He said harshly while putting me in the passenger seat.

I began to feel angry, no one else has to have an arranged marriage, why me?
He began driving, his mansion was 4 hours away from home. Not only was this a long car ride but how will I see my family? This is unbelievable. 20 minutes on the road and I already want to go home. He may not know this but I am a very straightforward person,
"I want to go home." You muttered, crossing your arms.
"Oh shut up I don't wanna be here either you rude brat. I would've been nice if you had just used your manners instead of dissing me at first-sight" he glared down at me harshly."
"Dickhead" I muttered under your breath. Hoping he didn't hear me but kind of hoping he did.
He began speeding up, he probably heard.
Why is this idiot going so damn fast, we're going to die.
"Slow Dow.." i stopped when you saw the way he glared into your soul. He narrowed his eyes.

Damn he's kinda fine, but such a dick. 
"I know what I'm fucking doing," he replied aggressively.

I just rolled your eyes and rest my head on the window.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, woman" he then began pressing a button that pulled down the window my head was leaning on.

?? What the hell ??
"What the frick is wrong with you, are you a 3 year old??" I replied, annoyed as hell.
"No but I'm 3 years older than YOU so show some respect" he didn't bother to look at me.
How the hell does he know my age?? I didn't even know his name .
He certainly doesn't act older than me. Im so some with this bastard.

When we finally arrived I got out of the car and followed him. The mansion was huge and so beautiful but I couldn't imagine living in this, it's like my dream house come true.
I waited behind him as he opened the door, he held it open for me.
"Ew." I pushed the door against him and it slammed him in the chest. I couldn't hold in my giggle.

He decided to be mature for once and ignored it, but he did get a bit pissy after that. Lmao I wonder why 😹..
"I'll give you a tour before you go off and do something stupid." He guided me up the stairs.
He showed me my room, the kitchen and everything else. He began rambling about where my clothes were and all the bathrooms and stuff like that.
Obviously I wasn't paying attention, this was all boring and he kept glaring at me.
"Are you even listening..?" He asked, pissed.
"I don't know, am I?" I replied to piss him off more.
He groaned and walked back downstairs, leaving me in my room.
Cool, this room is great, it's massive and there's a big bed.

I slept for a while since I was exhausted. I was in bed for 3 hours before I woke up to see someone's judgemental face staring at me.
I opened my eyes fully to see Rain or whatever his name was, looking down at me.
"The hell?" I sat up and faced him narrowing my eyes but it looked like he was about to say the same thing.

The Devil Prince (smut warning)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora