Fuelled with Hatred

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My back slammed into a wall, Ryan came closer to me.
His tall figure towered over me, against the wall.

He slammed his arm against the wall beside my head.
He lowered himself to reach my height, his face was so close to mine I could feel him breathing.

He was furious, over a joke? Ridiculous.

"How dare you come in here and insult the prince. Whether or not you're married to me, I am still your prince. I don't give a fuck if you were a rude brat to your family before this but I am NOT them. Go fix your fucking attitude and come talk to me when you're done" he shouted at me.

His tone made me obviously flinch, I tried stepping back but the wall didn't let me, his black eyes were so close to mine he was looking right into my soul.
I felt like throwing him down the stairs, a rude brat? Not like he didn't insult me, swear at me and make these stupid rules.

I was about to insult him back but before I opened my mouth to yell back at him, he placed his finger over my mouth to shush me.

"Did you hear what I fucking said?" He growled at me. His eye contact remained.
My heart began to race, am I meant to reply?

"this isn't fair.." I whispered under my breath. I felt tears forming in my eyes as I tried to hide them as best as I could.

Once again he raised his eyebrows like I just stated the stupid obvious, which I did. But just because he doesn't want to be here with me it doesn't mean it's any different for me.
I had a whole life ahead of me, how could my family marry me off to this man right after I turned 18.

I could've had a happy life, married someone nice and actually have fun. I always dreamt of going on dates with my future boyfriend and watching movies together.

All me and my "husband" now do, is argue, and for some reason he's much more aggressive than I imagined. It's like I can't have a single conversation with him without him lashing out.
I understand that he doesn't want to be here but neither do I.

He remained silent, but more furious. He looked like he was going to throw something at me, I can't just let him push me around like this.

"FUCK YOU." I yelled, and slapped him across the cheek. His head turned , and became pink.
He then faced his head back to me, with his hand covering his cheek.
He looked at me with murder in his eyes, he was really holding back on killing me.

I quickly ran down the stairs and ran for the door.
He chased after me and roughly grabbed my wrist, I could feel it turning red.
I turned to face him
"Where the hell do you think you're going" he yelled at me.
"Away from YOU." I screamed and yanked his hand off my arm, as he reached for my arm again I accidentally punched him in the face.

His nose began to bleed as he put his hand under his nose to see the blood.
If he wasn't sure if he wanted to kill me before, he was sure now. I've never seen someone so fuelled with rage before.

I quickly ran for the door and left, I broke all 3 of his rules without even realising.
I just want to leave the house as soon as I can, I don't know where to go or where I CAN go but staying in that house isn't safe.

My fist had blood on it, I can't believe I did that. I do feel bad for hitting him, after all he held back on hurting me. But if I go back now I'll be as good as dead.

My heart was pumping and I was out of breath from how fast I ran out the door. I walked a few miles and saw a bar, I could really use a drink.

I walked into the bar and ordered a drink, a man came and sat next to me.
"What are you doing here Ophelia?" A man ice never seen before says, sitting next to me.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I questioned.
"I'm Oscar, a friend of Ryan Calastro, your husband" he told me while buying himself a drink.

The Devil Prince (smut warning)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz