A Turn Of Events

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He threw his shirt at me, telling me to change. 

My short dress was making his blood boil, but I don't want to change into his shirt so I didn't do anything, I just stood there wiping my face with my arm.

I could tell how much he was resisting to actually harm me. He looked up at the roof , sighing. He then put his hand over his head thinking about how to deal with me.

"Change. Now." He starred at me, waiting.
I ignored it and turned around to pick up the shirt that he threw on the floor.

I didn't notice that when I bent down, my skirt lifted up and my underpants were now visible. I forgot about picking up the shirt and quickly stood up, facing away from him.

I could feel him staring straight at me, I thought he'd be a bit more decent and look away but clearly he didn't. I didn't know what to do I just stood there looking at the wall.

"Did you not hear me? Change." He raised his voice slightly.
I didn't want to bend down and grab the shirt, nor did I want to change but clearly he was getting fed up.

Since I was facing the other way, I didn't feel him walking closer to me until I felt the zip of my dress come undone.

He yanked the zip down, the dress fell down and I was left in a bra and string underwear.
I turned around to look at him, surprised and furious.

He was eyeing my body, looking at me up and down, seeing every inch of my body, mesmerised.
What a creep.
He bent down to grab his shirt and he grabbed my arms to put them through the shirt holes and wrapped the shirt around me.

I felt embarrassed once again, he can't just come and take off a ladies dress.
We stood there facing eachother not saying a word, except this time I looked more mad than him.

He could tell that I was embarrassed.
"Relax, you're my wife." He rolled his eyes.
Being called his wife is worse than any insult imaginable.

A tear rolled down my face , again. My face was now stained with tears. I sniffled, and turned to leave the room when he grabbed my arm, softly this time.

I looked at him with infinite fear in my eyes. I'm his eyes, all I saw was regret. He looked like he was sorry but couldn't find the words.
I was told exhausted and sad to fight, or to deal with him again.

He pulled me closer and hugged me tight, his arms wrapped around my head with my face buried in his chest. He kept hugging me for a few minutes, I felt less mad.
Maybe he couldn't find the right words to apologise, although I hate him, I'll accept this.

When he hugged me, a wave of emotions came over me and I felt like crying all over again for some reason.
"I'm sorry, Ophelia" he mumbled with his chin resting on top of my head.

Him being more than a head taller than me made the hugs feel awkward, but comfortable.

"say something, please" he whispered.
I was trying to, actually but my face was stuck in his chest. I looked up at him, his arms were still wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered back to him. He looked down at me and , sort of smiled.
He wiped my eyes and my face, then picked me up and put me in his bed.
It was already 11pm.

He came and slept next to me, wrapping me in blankets. I then fell asleep in his arms.

"Im sorry for everything" he whispered in my ears, bringing his arms around me.
One of his hands were holding the back of my head.

Maybe he wasn't so bad.
I snuggled closer to him, my head under his, and my leg on top of his.

He smiled, and fell asleep.


I woke up, still wrapped in his arms. I tried to lift my head to get out of bed but the hand he had in my head pulled me back onto his chest.

"Stay" he muttered.
"But we need to get up"
"Just stay," he pulled me closer to him.

An hour later he carried me out of bed , to the couch while he made us breakfast.
"Did you meet Oscar?" He smiled at me.
"Yeah , he's friendly." I smiled back at him.
"What did he tell you?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh he told me that you showed him a picture of me and that you were exited to get married or something" I said, getting up to sit at the dining table.

He didn't say anything.
"Well.. we're you?" I questioned, grinning at him.
"Was I what?" He didn't make eye contact.
"Exited" I replied , taking a seat.
"Well I was happy that I was getting married to someone as gorgeous as you, yes." He slightly smiled but still didn't make eye contact, was he ashamed?

"But then I blew my first impression and made you scared of me instead" He huffed.
Aw thats so sweet.

"It's not your fault, I wasn't being friendly either, in fact I was making it quite hard to get along with." I smiled , looking down.

He laughed and served me pancakes with blueberries on them. The blueberries were in a smiley face shape which made me laugh too.

"umm, do you want to go on a date today, for dinner?" He said quietly while looking away.
It looked like he was scared that I'd say no, of course I wasn't going to, I've always wanted to go on a  date with someone!

"Yes, sure I would love to" I smiled, he looked at me and put a ton of whipped cream in my mouth while my mouth was open.

He started laughing , he looks so handsome when he laughs.
I tried to laugh too but I just began choking on the whipped cream that I forgot was in my mouth.
I swallowed it first and then put whipped cream on his hair.
I started laughing uncontrollably, he looked at me and smiled.
"You really are gorgeous." He stared at me, wide eyed. He sat there and admired me, waiting for me to finish my food.

Maybe living with him for the rest of my life wouldn't be too hard, he was charming and handsome.

I stuffed my mouth with pancakes while his hand creeped across my face tucking my hair back so I wouldn't chew on it.
Then we just looked at eachother and smiled, which turned into giggling.


Our dinner date went so perfect, only problem now is he's completely wasted. I wouldn't say I'm completely sober either, but at least more sober than he was.

He couldn't even walk straight.
"No, I have a wife" he muttered, trying to look at me properly. I had to hold onto him so he didn't trip over his own feet.

He tossed my hands aside
"No, I have a wife" he repeated, groggily.
"Oh really, what's she like?" I asked playfully.
"Her name is Ophelia and she's so beautiful like the night sky, but prettier." He smiled at his own thoughts, unable to see properly.
How cute, but so wasted.

I got him home as quickly as I could and we both fell asleep.

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