The Romance Rendezvous

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In 4A, Guys night:

Raj: Guys, Emily just texted me asking me out on a date to this new romantic restaurant in town

Howard: That is GREAT Raj, I am glad to see you moving forward with Emily

Leonard: Raj, that is AMAZING!!

Raj: The thing is I am scared that I will ruin everything for one MORE time. I have sabotaged FAR too many relationships than I bother to count and I am REALLY scared of sabotaging this one especially since Emily has given me a second chance.  I should see a shrink

Howard: yeah you should

At Dr Ravishkan's office:

Dr: Hi Raj, how can I help you today?

Raj: I have this GREAT relationship going with this girl I really like. Her name is Emily. We have dated before  around 5 years ago and then we broke up. It was my most fulfilling relationship and I am scared that I will ruin things with her this time. I am more scared because she has given me a second chance, no other girl has done that

Dr: hmm

Raj: Also I spent most of my life not being able to speak to women but after Lucy broke up with me I found myself able to speak to them. I even spoke to Penny ( she is the pretty girl that lived across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon and is now Leonard's wife)

Dr: Why do you think you are doing that?

Raj: I don't know, maybe I  think girls don't  deserve me??

Dr: *writes on his clipboard*

Dr: Okay Raj I will teach you this technique to re-direct your thoughts to more positive ones. It is inspired by CBT

Dr: Also Raj you need to do something new everyday that isn't easy to boost your self-esteem

40 minutes later

Raj: Thank you SO MUCH Dr Raviskan

Dr: No problem Raj happy to help

Later that evening in 4B:

Raj: I went to see a shrink and he suggested that I do something new everyday so if you have any ideas Howard let me know (narrator: either way Raj has a full six month plan)

Howard: How about Bungee Jumping? We could go on a weekend?

Raj: That sounds cool, Howard but I think we should do that for fun and not as part of my therapy

I could volunteer at the local tutoring center

Leonard: that sounds great Raj I hope that goes well for you:)))

A few days later:

Emily texted: Looking forward to our dinner tonight

Raj: Me too!

At the restaurant:

Raj: So what's new Emily?

Emily: Not much other than the training course I told you about

Raj: Ohh I see well I started to volunteer at the local tutoring centre

Emily: Wow, that is SO COOL! Are you enjoying it?

Raj: Oh yes I am! Here let me tell you what happened the other day

The story:

Raj: So there was this kid and he was SO terrible at Math they put him two classes behind. And yes Math and only Math. I was assigned to help him, I am an astrophysicist, it makes sense I will be good at Math. I worked with him and luckily for me I was able to figure out the best  method to teach him that nobody else had been able to figure out and taught him 1/3rd of the syllabus in the last two days. I was elated! It's been a while that I felt SO much purpose in my life aside taking care of Cinnamon. Afterwards we chilled out and watched Anabelle and for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed it.

Emily: that's GREAT

I am so glad ur happy!

Who knew that you became so cool since the last time you hung out ?

At the end of the evening:

Raj: Goodnight Emily, see you soon

Emily: *leans in closer to kiss him and they share a passionate kiss* 


My mom says that I told you that you should vote for me WAAY too many times

I disagree, I think it's a good thing to say

She says I am being too preachy

says the woman that preaches about Christ to EVERYONE including atheists 

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