= 04 = " Devils' domination

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  " An angel was raised by a Devil for……. Another DEVIL,"

Author's POV

"Dear all,

J&K Company of Italy is pleased to announce Ryan Knight as our new CEO. He is replacing our late respected CEO and owner of J&K Foundation, Mr. Enrico Knight, who passed away on April 27th in Paris.

Before his passing, Mr Knight had mentioned that his son, Ryan Knight, would assume his position. Therefore, Ryan Knight will be joining our company, J&K Company of Italy, starting today, May 10th, allowing sufficient time for an orderly handover.

Please extend a warm welcome to our new CEO.

Thank you."

An episode of loud applause echoed in the hall as soon as the host called Ryan  onto the stage. Ryan , who was sitting next to his PA, stood up. His PA smiled at him, and suddenly the room filled with the sound of numerous camera clicks.

Finally, Ryan  was going to become the CEO of the J&K Foundation, which had branches worldwide. In Italy, the main branch was known as "J&K Company of Italy" If the company were in Germany, for example, it would be called "J&K Company of Germany."

As their new CEO made his way towards the microphone to deliver his speech, people applauded. Though he felt nervous, no one could tell. Being new to the business world, every small step seemed daunting to him.

His face lacked a smile, leaving him expressionless, leading people to believe he was "cold."

"Thank you," he mumbled as he approached the person who had called him. That person's name was Alessandro Hernandez, the same individual Ryan  had encountered in the meeting hall during his first visit—a man with a killer smile.

“First of all thank you so much Mr Harris for calling me on the stage," Ryan  said on the mic without sparing a glance at Mr Harris.

" Hello Everyone, My name is Ryan Knight and I will be the CEO of this company," The dominance, and authority were clear in his tone. He wasn't afraid of anyone. He flashed his charming smile which made ladies' hearts skip a beat.

Damn, he had a beautiful smile!

" I am not an expert in many aspects of the business, so I hope you will be open with me when I ask questions. I am not probing to look for weaknesses in you or your colleagues but to see how we are doing things now and how we might look for improvements. My interest is in processes, not personalities. I am not here to hurt anyone, just to see that we all work together to further the corporate fortunes," He paused and stared at his PA, who nodded his head, indicating he is going well.

“I have a few expectations. I’d like to share them with you now.

“The first is safety. Whether you work with machines or in the office, I’d like to promote a culture that ensures that we all go home safely at the end of the workday. I will be asking specific questions on this aspect. Not for money reasons or insurance, but because we are all in this together, and we can’t promote that feeling if someone is risking his or her hands in the factory or a sore back in the filing room. Please be open as to how this concern might be addressed," while saying this he ran his eyes in the board meeting hall. Trying to read people.

“The second expectation is respect. This expectation is one you can aim at me. You should expect that I treat you with respect at all times. This means no shouting, yelling, or baiting. And I will expect the same treatment in return, and that the same courtesies will be extended to others in the company, at all levels. That doesn’t mean we can’t be human — as a matter of fact, I do like to hear laughter and chatter — but it must be kept on a basic, respectful level," He chuckled saying this, making all of the ladies giggle in silence.

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