chapter 8

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"That remains a secret, all we know for now is that hunters are forming an army and are preparing for a war against our kind. After the meeting we'll have more clarity on what is really going on..." Perplexity has spread through the people, as whispers to one another are given. Ares turns his head slightly to me so that our eyes could meet, I give him small smile of encouragement.

I know his mind is troubled, he fears for the wellbeing of our pack, because the danger that might come could be our downfall. I wish I'd known how to give him a moment's peace, for it is troubling to feel his distress.

Ares's features softened a gentle smile curving his lips, while he offers me his hand. My heart beat exciting itself when my fingers slipped between his. I took short steps so that we are standing beside each other, our gazes turning back to the crowd that was immersed in conversation. He lifts his free palm in the air, instantly silence fell upon us.

I hear his intake of air, before he announces: "There is no need for you to worry! We are the strongest pack on Earth and as long as we work together like a family nothing can harm us! But today we are here for some other reason...We are here to celebrate, to honor our Luna! So I introduce to you now your Luna Annabeth!"

Loud cheers erupt through the air. I slightly turn my head up so that I can look at Ares, he was already looking down at me with proud expression on his face. When our gazes locked he nods once and squeezes my hand, signaling that it is my time to address people before us.

I exhale sharply, with determination in my eyes look back at the wolves. Their cheers muted as they were anticipating my next move: "Don't worry my speech won't be long..." I chuckle once, straightened my posture and go to speak again: "I want to thank you all for accepting me into your big family...As your Luna I solemnly promise and swear to stay loyal, just and merciful to Shadow pack in hours of need and prosperity. I will fight for our freedom, justice and all that is good, and I will wilingly lay down my life for you. Lastly...I will stand and fight by Alpha Ares's side untill the last breath is drawn from me! I will fight for the glory of Shadow pack!" Shrilling voices and clapping of cheerful crowd spotted my attention, my eyes maneuver over the sea of heads, adrenaline from my declaration running through my veins, thrilling me.

I slowly lift my free palm up and the noises immedietly muted, with exited smile making annoucment: "So before we go into full party mode, I have one existing news for you! Our Beta Blaine and his mate expecting their first pup!" Cheers erupted once again and I sight in relief, gazing up at Ares who looks down at me.

"Well done angel!" He took pride in my successful welcome.

A string of emotions flew across his brown eyes, brief pride courses through me and without thinking I stretched up on the tips of my toes, kissing his soft lips. He kisses me back adoringly, overwhelming my mind. The kiss ended too soon, causing me to briefly pout and Ares to chuckle. He than looks back to the merry crowd, involuntary I forced my eyes to turn away from my mate towards the pack. I sigh once more when I feel Ares's hand tugging mine softly, having me to move my feet. We approached Grace and Blain, all of us smiling proudly and now it was time to talk, to laugh, to mingle. Things relaxed, only hushed noises of conversation flowing through the evening air...

The big crowd had spread out, half of them ended the celebration shortly after announcement was made, because they have work in the morning in human companies. At one time I even had a chance to meet Grace's parents, which gave me ideal picture from where Grace's cheerfulness and bubbly personality is coming from, and if I didn't know better I'd mistaken Grace and her mother for sisters, twins even.

After a good long while when the sky was but dark blue and the countless stars were twinkling above us, meadow was finally vacant of wolves. Only Grace, Blain, his parents – Rendall and April, Mary, Hermes, Thanatos, Ares and me were last one standing; we would parted sooner, but it would be disrespectful, so we had to stay till the last person has left. The long lasting hours slowly showing its mark on me, increasing the urge to close my eyes though I resist.

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