chapter 9

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Annabeth, give them our blood! After all these time my wolf finally spoke.


Do you trust me Anna? There is no trace of doubt, her certainty is giving me hope.


Then do it now! She demands, I flinch at her sudden loudness. 

Sophia's spoken words causing spirals of eagerness to go insane inside of me and forced me to gain control over my body. Not wasting anymore time I pushed myself from Thanatos's strong embrace and swiftly turn completely to the doctor who stood behind our backs.

My heart quickened its beat when I declare: "Doctor give my blood to Ares and George! And please hurry!"

He watches me with uncertainty in my odd demand. He raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth but I interrupt: "There is no time to explain!"

The doctor stares for a second, confusion does not leave his eyes, before he nods and remarks: "I'll bring injecton needles. Please wait here."  With swift movements he disappears down the hallway not even giving me a moment's time for response.

With newfound hope I turn back towards Ares's bed, approaching him. On the way I briefly glanced at Thanatos, who only watches me but remains silent. I sat myself on the gray chair that was by the bed. My eyes staying on motionless Ares, the tube of heart monitor, which was attached on his arm, caused my stomach to churn, making me nauseous slightly and before I could take a breather the doctor approaches. I gazed up at him, the doctor was standing by my chair looking down at me. "Here," he says and extends his hand for me to place mine in his.

As soon as he has hold on my arm, he gently pull it so that my hand resting on the armrest of the chair, then pulls from his coat's pocket quite frightening looking needle, at the sight my eyes swiftly turning away at Ares's face. Short while later I felt slight sting in my arm, though my gaze staying on my mate, small fear has my insides trembling. Dreadful silence fell upon us, only noise of heart monitor broke it, irregularly.

Finally strange pressure in my arm vanished, doctor's footsteps could be heard again. My eyes glancing at Thanatos, who only watches from across the bedside, before I look back to Ares. In the corner of my eye I can see my blood is being injected in one of Ares's veins. I take his palm in between both of mine and lean my face closer to his, watching him with anticipation. The air in the room seems to stiffen, as everything else ceased, even oxygen. Seconds turning into long minutes, yet the change in Ares's still body could not be detected. My hope is fading with every minute that has passed.

Annabeth just wait. Don't lose hope! Sophia offers me an encouragement, worry did not reach her and that is something I find comforting.

Do you know something I don't?

She sighs loudly:'s just...this thought seemed so right, you know? I don't know how to explain it. As I told you before, you should trust your instincts more. 

Then suddenly I hear it - the melody that I know so well, Ares's heart came to its normal beat once more; strong and lasting. I can also feel his strength slowly returning, causing me to breathe again.

"How?" Doctor whispers astonished.

Unwillingly, I move my gaze from Ares and look to stunned doctor: "Honestly. I don't know myself how is this even possible, but that doesn't matter now, because you need to get my blood to George before it will be too late."

No more words were needed to be said, because the chubby doctor already rushed out of the room, closing brown door behind him.

I make eye contact with Thanatos. His stony face and ice cold look in his chestnut eyes could be mistaken for a vampire, only his tanned skin and normal heartbeat, for a wolf, are showing his intimidating colors of werewolf. Now I know from where Ares got his expression.

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