Chapter 19: The Angel and the Devil

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(Happy pride month :) ))

Sunlight shone through the window as Connor woke up, sighing happily as he realized it was the weekend and he had the day off. Thank goodness. It had been two weeks since the attack on Hogsmeade, and things were finally settling back to normal once more.

He rolled over in bed and leaned over Will, smiling down to him as he saw he was still asleep. The man slept like a rock, it really was adorable.

"Williaaaaaam." Connor said his name in a sing-song tone, smiling as Will grumbled unhappily at being woken up but slowly opened his eyes.

He looked up groggily and saw Connor smiling down to him, the sunlight shining through his blond hair and making him look almost angelic in the light. He let out a soft breath and reached up to brush the back of his fingers along Connor's cheek affectionately, smiling when he saw his cheeks turn pink with a blush from the touch.

"So sappy in the morning." Connor whispered with a little smile.

"You just look so good, can't help it." William smiled, chuckling when Connor's blush deepened.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, William Walsh." Connor grinned as he leaned closer to him. "Now, let's check those burns."

"They feel fine now, Connor." William sighed dramatically as Connor threw the blankets off him to get a good look at his chest and torso.

"I have to check." Connor said quietly, his dark blue eyes dark for a moment with the memory of seeing Will so hurt during the battle.

Will didn't like seeing the sad look in his eyes and let out a soft sigh, reaching up to brush his hand comfortingly along Connor's shoulder. "You don't blame yourself, do you?" He asked gently.

"No," Connor said, looking up to William with the answer. "I blame Kyle. But... I don't like seeing you burned again. It's like..." he made a soft sound of frustration as if he couldn't say the rest.

"Like what?" Will urged.

"It's like somehow even though I'm the one that plays with fire, you're the one that gets burned." Connor said quietly.

William sat up with a stern expression, reaching up and running a hand through Connor'a hair before gripping it firmly in his first to force him to look at him. "You do blame yourself." He growled in frustration.

"I hate seeing you hurt... and you're always the one getting hurt." Connor grumbled in frustration, glancing away from the fierce look William gave him.

"You can hardly help that. Besides I don't want to see you hurt either, I'd much rather it be me. I already have scars, I can take a few more." William said softly.

"But you shouldn't have to." Connor looked back up to him stubbornly. "Just because you have scars from before doesn't mean you should add more."

William smiled softly, chuckling before he kissed Connor gently, still holding his hair to keep him in place. "So protective." He murmured gently against his lips.

"Yes well, that's because..." Connor blushed, the word getting caught in his throat before he forced it out. "Because I love you." He said breathlessly.

William turned red with the words but smiled, bringing him closer so their mouths were almost touching. "I love you too, my little firebug." He smiled warmly.

Connor let out a long exhale of emotion and arousal from that, leaning against William on the bed as he let out a happy sound. "How am I supposed to function when you say things like that?" He moaned softly.

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