Chapter 44: Possessive

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Getting dresses for the girls was first, a quick trip to a tailor and they were good to go for the trip, now. Next was a far more difficult thing to find... a white dress. At the thought of shopping for a wedding dress William suddenly looked rather anxious, looking around the clothing store nervously as he stood close to Connor.

"What's with you all of a sudden?" Connor chuckled at how close he was standing to him.

"We're in a dress store." William answered as if it was obvious.

"So?" Connor scoffed with amusement. "We were earlier too, and you were fine."

"I'm going to go try this on, okay?" Diane said, holding up a dress she'd found with a grin. It was a simple thing, but with pretty ruffles around the neckline and shoulders.

"Sure, Di." Connor said nonchalantly and watched her scurry off before refocusing on Will. "Why is this store different?"

"Because Diane is looking for a wedding dress." William mumbled.

"Uh, yeah, duh. That's why we're here." Connor said, bewildered by his reaction.

William glanced around uneasily, shifting between his feet for a moment.

"Wait- are you getting sentimental?" Connor grinned wryly as he guessed why Will was suddenly so uneasy.

William only gave him a glare, but didn't deny it. That reaction only confirmed Connor's suspicions.

"Awwww Will, you're such an adorable older brother." Connor cooed out happily.

William blushed a bit, crossing his arms as he avoided eye contact and tried to look tough.

"So you're uneasy because you're getting emotional that Diane is getting married?" Connor teased a bit with a mischievous grin. "Big man is getting anxious about it?"

"Will you stop it?" William growled, giving him another glare as he blushed.

"Nope." Connor grinned happily. "You're so cute when you're emotional like this, I gotta take it while I can. It's a rare state for you."

William rolled his eyes and sighed, glancing around and frowning as he started turning. "Wait- where's Ominis?"

"Wha-" Connor looked around in alarm but didn't see him either. "Shit, how did we lose a blind guy? What the fuck?!" He whispered in alarm.

"He can't have gotten far in a muggle shop." William said, looking around a few racks but still not spotting him.

"Damnit... we've got to get better at this if we ever expect to babysit." Connor grumbled, starting to wander to look for him.

"Babysit?" William said in shock, looking to Connor with wide eyes.

"Well yeah, duh. You're probably going to be an uncle at some point, you know. That means I am too. We gotta be good uncles and watch the kids. And spoil them." He grinned impishly before disappearing behind a rack.

"Uncle-" William whispered in shock, before shaking his head again to refocus on finding Ominis.


Diane looked at herself in the mirror in the dressing room, giving a soft little sound of unease as she looked at the reflection. It felt so strange to wear white, knowing she'd be getting married. She was happy about it of course, but she just wished it could be with both of them instead of Sebastian. Maybe they could just have Ominis be part of the ceremony, and on paper it could just be Sebastian because of laws? That could work...

"I look so red when I wear white." She huffed a bit in frustration, fiddling with the skirts a bit. It made her red hair look like a damn beacon, and her reddish tone to her skin made her look like a tomato. Did she look good? She wanted to look good... 

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