Chapter 68: Final Fitting

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July 29th, 1893

(16 days until the wedding)

It was so silly to be this anxious about their final fitting when they'd already seen their suits, but it seemed entirely different to 'see' each other with them on.

Ominis rubbed at his arm nervously as they stood in Gladrags, Augustus humming a tune behind the counter as he made some last few adjustments with pins held in his mouth.

"Why are you so nervous?" Sebastian asked him gently, setting a hand against his back and rubbing gently to reassure him.

"I don't know, this seems like... like the final step until the wedding." Ominis said quietly.

"Because it is." Sebastian chuckled. He took Ominis' hand in his gently, running his thumb over his knuckles to try and soothe him.

"It's hard to believe it's so close, after we've been preparing for this for the last few weeks." Ominis squeezed his hand gently.

"Just over two weeks." Sebastian chuckled. "Diane is spending all day with Anne and Garreth making decorations."

"The bows and things she wanted?" Ominis chuckled. "She knows she can make those with magic..."

"She said she wanted to to them 'the old fashioned way'. Something about it having more meaning. I told her she could make them by magic too but you know how stubborn she gets." Sebastian grinned wryly.

"Yeah." Ominis chuckled in amusement. 

Augustus made a few sounds of satisfaction before finally revealing the suits with a happy flourish. "All finished! Fine work if I do say so myself. You'll both look rather strapping. Did you want to try them on one last time before bringing them home?"

"Sure." Sebastian said breathlessly, looking at the white and black suits. He really liked Ominis' idea of doing them in opposite colors like that, looking over to his longtime friend and lover with a warm smile.

"Here you are, then." Augustus said, the suits floating over to either one of them. "I'll give you two some privacy." He smiled, seeing the look between Sebastian and Ominis, discreetly moving into the side room of the shop to tidy things.

Ominis went into one of the changing rooms while Sebastian went into the other, his face flushed as he undressed to try the suit on. Why was he nervous? Sebastian had seen him without anything on, so why did he feel anxiety for how he'd look in the suit? He'd probably look good... right? But he'd never really worn white like this before.

He finished buttoning the jacket and sighed as he took his wand out, trying to see what he looked like, but as always it was hard to get a concept of himself through the wand. Hopefully he looked good.

"You alright in there?" Sebastian chuckled from outside, and Ominis turned his head in that direction as he realized Sebastian was waiting for him.

He took in a long breath and exhaled slowly to gather himself before exiting the dressing room, his face flushed as he held his wand out to see Sebastian.

"Ah-" a hand closed around the one holding his wand, and Ominis felt his face turn a brighter shade of red. He loved the feeling of Sebastian's hand against his.

"No wands, first. Just you." Sebastian said softly.

Ominis felt his heart skip at that, because he really appreciated how he and Diane always wanted these important moments to be just him. No magic, no spells... just his senses.

He smiled and put his wand back in his pocket, nodding gently before walking toward Sebastian with his other hand outstretched. Sebastian took it gently and guided it to his chest, where Ominis felt the soft fabric of his jacket against his hand. He traced his fingers along the lapel, feeling the sharp angles of it. His fingers drifted to the shirt beneath the jacket, which was soft and delicate.

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