Chapter 2- What does Gisela Want now?

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You are laying in your makeshift bed letting all the thoughts in your head make their way through your self conscious.

That is until you hear a soft pattern of knocking on your door, the pattern that Glimmer uses to signal that it's her.

"Come in."

The door opens with a loud creak and Glimmer walks in.

"Hi. How are you doing?"

"Just the same as I have been."

"You want to guess what Gisela wants me to do now."

"What is it?" Bad thoughts ran through your head wondering what your friend would be forced to do now.

"She wants me to put light bands around the new guy's wrists to stop him from using his ability."

"She really wants control over everyone. He can't be that old, he's probably only fifteen or sixteen."

"Well, so are you."

That hit hard. You've been in the Neverseen pretty much since you got banished from the lost cities. You weren't proud of yourself but what other option did you have? It was to join them or fend for yourself.

"You have to do it though or Gisela will hurt you. And I can't lose my only friend." You told her.

"Well I better get going, she'll be wondering where I am."

"Ok. Bye. Talk to me later?"

"Yeah. Bye."

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