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"The subway"
November 2, 2022

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"Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out,
Something's gone terribly wrong
Won't finish what you started"

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"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked walking down the busy stairs of the New York underground subways trying to catch up with his friends.

"You don't have to come if you don't want too" Tara rolls her eyes clearly annoyed.

Ethan scoffs, "So we just peel off and let the killer pick us off one by one? No thank you."

"let's just get to theater," Sam interrupts "cmon in here" she says heading to one of the doors of the upcoming subway.

"Ah yes because it'll be much less scarier at the serial killer movie theater" Chad says sarcastically trying to stay close to the group. Glancing a look at Ethan who was holding onto Val arms.

He felt his stomach drop when he thought back to last night when he had Ethan wrapped around his arms, his eye lashes fluttering shut before admitting that he was hiding something from him.

After that night he decided he'd try to stay away from Ethan for safety purposes. Key word; try.

Looking at Ethan made  him want to scratch his whole plan and just run into his arms and kiss every inch of his face.

He was in his head for so long that he didn't even notice that mindy hadn't gotten on the train yet.

"Chad! Fuck, Chad!" Mindy yelled, trying to make her way past people to reach the doors in time.

"Mindy! Oh shit!" he stuck his arm out to keep the door from closing but it was too late the train started moving.

He sighed as he turned back to the group.

"Hey where's Mindy?..and Ethan?" Tara asked when she couldn't spot the two.

"Ethan and I got separated." Val said while biting his nails nervously. He really needed a cigarette right now.

"Same with mindy," Chad paused before looking down at his phone seeing a text message from Mindy saying she'll be on the next train.

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