∆confession p.2∆

414 11 9

Tanjiros pov-

I was laying on my bed reading a romance book until I heard the bell(I forgot what the name is okay😭)."ONI-CHAN YOUR FIANCÉ IS HERE!".what? why is mui-san here?(bro forgot)

"JUST OPEN THE DOOR!"I yelled back and went back to reading mui-san probably left something..as I was reading the door opened."what do you want nezuko?"I asked."you forgot didn't you?" That voice sounds familiar.."MUI-SAN!?"I yelled

and he just nodded."ah I'm sorry! I didn't notice"I yelled."so did you forget?"he replied and I nodded in embarrassment..he chuckled as I was flustered..he sat down next to me and explained a bit why he was here."so you want to confess something?" He nodded."what is it?"

I asked."but one question do you have a crush on something?".he asked suddenly."I nodded."give me hints because I have some things to figure out.."I don't really know cuz he was my crush(😃)
"Well..uhm he's a boy?" That was the only thing I can say..if I tell anything else he'll know immediately.."so he's a boy?"

I nodded."alright tanjiro..." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder..I was about scared on what he'll say.."mui-san?" I said trying to keep calm."tanjiro....for the past 3 months I l-"he was interrupted by nezuko screaming."ONI-CHAN!DID YOU HIDE MY PHONE AGAIN!?" As She yelled."nezuko later okay?".she went silent and made the 😏 face (😭).she quickly closed the door and ran."so continue.."

"Alright I get this fast.." I was confused about what he said.."tanjiro I liked you for 3 months now I can't stop thinking about you!" I was so surprised that I didn't get to speak."if you don't feel the same it's okay can we at-" I quickly hugged(no kissy kissy👽) muichiro."I like you to.."

He lagged for a second and hugged me back.i pulled away."uhm.."."uhh" we were confused after we confessed."wanna date?" Muichiro said in confusion."sure?"

I also said in confusion."so who's the boyfriend?" Muichiro asked."I don't know?" I replied
I really don't know what's going on."rock paper scissors?" I shook my head while chuckling a bit."who made the first move?" I asked."me obviously" muichiro replied."your the boyfriend"

I said and he just nodded."so I own you now." I looked at muichiro very confused."wh-" before I said anything he kissed me(👁️👄👁️) and he Broke the kiss."alright I made you my property now bye" he walk out my room and I was there sitting still being a red cherry..I think he left the house before nezuko

Slammed the door opened."YOU AND MR.TOKITO ARE DATING FOR REAL NOW!?" I jumped."I HEARD THE CONVERSATION WITH YOU TWO!" I got back to sitting."yes nezuko and why did you eavesdrop us?".she fell silent and ran to the living room and I ran after her I knew what she was about to do.. she arrived at the living room."FAMILY MEETING!!!!!" She yelled very loud

"NO FA-" she put her hand on my mouth to shut me up.the whole family gathered up in the matter of minutes."nezuko why did you call  a family meeting and why is your hand on your brother's mouth?" My mother asked."well mother tanjiro kamado here or tanjiro tokito i-" before she could say anything else

I managed to grabbed her hand since hanako also eavesdrop she held my hand."MOM SHES LYING!"she shushed me."tanjiro let your sister speak first".as she said In a calm tone."B-BUT-!"."no buts tanjiro" I sighed and I went silent. And let my snitch of a sister speak."so tanjiro tokito here is now for real dating muichiro tokito.." the whole house was shocked,silent

"Tanjiro is this real?" My mother said and I just nodded."tanjiro how long?".she asked me."just now.."the whole family was more   surprised now then when I announced that me and mui-san was fake being husband's

"Tanjiro explain..".my father said very serious."well me and mui-san had feelings for eachother the past 3 months and he confessed just now.." I was literally introducing my boyfriend and coming out now

"Alright family meeting is over and tanjiro congratulations" I just smiled and went upstairs to text mui-san


Tanji🏳️‍🌈- muiiiiiiiiii


Mui💸- yeah?


Tanji🏳️‍🌈- my family knowssss😭


Mui💸- about us dating?

Tanji🏳️‍🌈- yes

Mui💸- wait outside at 4:30 pm were doing on our first date k?

Tanji🏳️‍🌈- yeah k bye

Mui💸- byee

Word count: 803


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