Almost the Year has Passed

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Almost a year has passed since Grandma arrived in Dehradun and till now so much has changed. My view towards her and life. My feelings towards the people around me and the same goes for her. This year the one thing that I learned most passively is, to take people for what they are. I spent my childhood with her, being a notorious freak kid, I never noticed the actuality of life around me, and neither did any other kid of my age. Yet after living a year with her I realized she was never someone I imagined to be, so pure-hearted, so innocent, and selflessly loving cause in the end human is just human. It's not only about her, I used to think of my parents as perfect godly creatures cause that's what we had been taught, they're gods because they give birth to us. And for me, it was as hard to accept they're imperfect humans like me, as it had been for any other child. But accepting that they're as human as me, helped me to forgive them, but I don't know how it'd help me heal. I had the best of my grandma's stories inside in my mind when she arrived in Dehra, and she was an innocent fairy of my dreamland which dreamland is broken now. Yet I decide to write cause no matter what, she was the one who added creativity into my imagination through her stories, even if sometimes her love seems suffocative yet she loved me and I did to. For that love I decide to write her stories further, before she'll leave us. Cause sometimes when I look at her, her ashen, pale face scares me even if it's deliberate. Last time when I was studying for my exams roaming here and there, she was sleeping on a sofa cover herself from quilt and for a moment my heart stopped thinking she's gone. That day, I though of immortalizing her in my stories, immortalizing my happy memories with her, immortalizing her like any other human instead of some guardian angel from heaven.

Her stories are filled with warmth, tragedy, and harsh realities. Even if I was just child when she told me those stories yet, with such openness. I wander if I ever could tell to any child. From fictional ones to realistic, idea of her world is utterly real, indifferent and haunting, sometimes beautiful and funny. Sometimes she's like a child so beautiful and naive, and sometimes she's the dark reality or world I fear to face, I often find worlds in people and may be I'm hated sometimes cause I make people see those things about themselves they never want to see. Yet let's goon this journey of love and life, it will not disappointing to be.

To be here at this journeys, memories and tales of old woman.

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