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"Ocean blue eyes, looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die"
- Gorgeous by Taylor Swift

"So he didn't even say hey or anything?" Luciana raised up her sunglasses to the top of her head, her eyebrows shooting up with them.

It had sounded even worse telling her the story out loud. Nope and then he just left me after trying to make it right and went to take his little friend home.

We were sitting on two barstools at the pool bar where Sonny was working as a lifeguard and since Luciana was a loyal worker for VanLands we got our drinks free and she had even slipped something into them without anyone noticing.

I said "Luce, he barely said sorry after bruising my shoulder and falling on top of me.. then he showed up and acted like nothing."

I had known Luciana for a few years then, we met one summer while down at the beach when we were thirteen.

"That's not like him, is it?"

My head shook and I said "Nope."

I had repeated the story a few times and her advice had been so good that she had been promoted to my knew advice giving instead of Brock or Rhett.

We got up from the bar and I took my lemonade with me. We had just walked around the club for a bit and with my tennis skirt, I fit in perfectly with the crowd.

"Hey you two," Sonny appeared from behind, jogging up beside her and he was sporting his whistle and bright red shorts.

Luce said "Hi Sonny," and she matched his tone, taking his black whistle that he wore around his neck between her fingers, pulling him with us as we walked.

"I have a proposal for you Luce," and he grabbed her hand, holding it on his chest and her and I both shared a scared look.

"I'm scared.." she said, fixing down my skirt and we walked around the front of the club, under an awning.

"Deck sleepover tonight. It was all Stassies idea."

It was..?

"That sounds fun!" She smiled and he smiled and so did I.

"Told Nico, he invited Avery Spitz to hang for a bit. Luce, you know that chic."

The Spitz family were probably the richest in the area and I didn't know much about them but I knew that they had two daughters around my age and that their father, Angelo Spitz was the owner of Sullivans Landing that my pa had smoozed over.

"Spitz?" I repeated and one of my eyebrows arched up and Luce, just an inch or so shorter than me, put her arm around my waist.

She rolled her eyes but she was still smiling a bit. "Avery Spitz works with Sonny and I, she's a cart girl."

Avery Spitz.

"Stass knows Avery. They just met last night."

The bottom fell out of my stomach and they must have seen it fall because they both just stared at me for a second too long. "You good?"

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