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"When you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them"
- Fifteen by Taylor Swift

"So you got the drinks?"

Sonny came up behind me so quick I didn't even hear his goofy ass. "Yeah," I said and I shoved him off, his hot breath was all over me neck.

I had a fake ID I got from this guy at my high school called Kevin. Anytime I did anything bad I was playing on thin ice. My dad wasn't a big fan of anything that wasn't perfect. I think that's why he liked my mom so much.

He kept slapping my shoulder over and over and every time he slapped me I'd laugh a little more. "Dude you're the best."

I said "Don't mention it Son." and he gave me a side hug, whispering while he did. "Just keep it on the DL."

Trust me, I'll keep it on "DL" (who says that anymore?) I'm pretty good at that.

Sonny somehow convinced his mom to take all of the adults out to dinner and to stay in Folly Beach for the night. Folly was a really small part of South Carolina about twenty minutes from Charleston.

How did he do it? I had no idea but there we were, home alone in the big blue, three story home on the beach.

"Sonny I'm hungry!" Rhett came running out the back door with a phone in his hand.

That's how.

I looked at Sonny and raised my eyebrows. "Sonny.."

"We'll just put them to bed, alright?" Sonny started to walk towards Rhett and he waved me off when I asked "Them?"

Brock was here too? Jesus. They were old enough to themselves to bed then and the idea of Rhett having the power to ruin Sonny's entire summer by squealing wasn't good.

I think Sonny either bribed them or got the girls to do it for him because either way, I hadn't seen Rhett since then and Brock I hadn't seen at all.

I was in my room and my mom had already left and made a big deal about me watching over Brock and taking care of everyone since I was the oldest kid in the house.

Jack had given me a hug and said "Make sure Josh isn't in her room tonight." I don't know why he gave me the responsibility of taking care of Anastasia all of the time, but I didn't mind at all.

"Yo Nico!" Maikel came into my room and sat down on my bed.

"What's up Kel?" I grabbed a hat from the top drawer of the dresser and put it on the top of my head, turning around to look at him and he softly punched me in the shoulder.

"Not much. You're all grown up now man!" I hadn't seen Kel in awhile. I was probably fifteen or so. He stopped coming, I guess because of his parents divorce.

"I guess I am, yeah." releasing a little awkward laugh and he stood up, smacking his hand on my shoulder. "Watch Anastasia tonight for me." and I didn't really get to answer because by the time I said "I will!" he was already down the steps.

I think Maikel might have been meeting up with old friends or something because Sonny did tell him about the party and invited him to come. I think he said he'd rather be out doing other things and so would I.

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