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"You know how scared I am of elevators. Never trust if it rises fast, It can't last. "
- Labyrinth by Taylor Swift

When I woke up that next morning Anastasia was laying in front of me on her make-shift bed, but it had felt like she was in mine and when I'm looking at her, I feel like I had looked at her laying beside me every morning of every day and it felt usual and regular. I wanted to always wake up looking at her, in front of me and puffy.

Stassie would kill me if she saw me looking at her in the morning while she had been knocked out but even her swollen face and wild hair was sweet to me.

She sucked a piece of hair between her lips and I chuckled under my breath, pulling it out of her mouth and I thought

I love Stassie's curls

Oh shit..

When I tell you I rushed up out of my sunkin in air-bed, you better fucking believe it.

My hands shot up to my hair and I feel like I just ran a marathon trying to remember what I'd said the night before, half asleep.

I barely say anything to Stassie usually and of course when I do, I say some weird shit about her hair.

Suddenly my phone is in my hand and I'm up from the mattress on the deck and everyone else is asleep.

It's 5:10 am and by how swiftly I've shot up from my bed, I was almost lightheaded.

Avery texted me something from the night before and I didn't even bother opening it, I went to my messages with Stassie, seeing the pitiful miss you I sent two nights ago while half gone and I'm cringing.

I went to text her something along the lines of going out to surf but I deleted it all when I looked down at her and she rolled over on her side, her face squished behind her hand.

I dropped down my phone on the air mattress and knelt down at the side of Will's bed, shoving his shoulder until he woke up and he grumbled under his breath "Bro." which gave me a good laugh I kept hushed.


I shook him until he woke up and I said "come on." with no explanation and he obliged.

Will followed me up to grab shorts since I'd been in ones I liked too much to get wet and he just pulled off his sweatpants in the bathroom, rocking a pair of pink ones underneath and they weren't gym shorts or boxers, they were swim-trunks and the idea of wearing those to bed was funny to me.

The sun had already broke out and started to rise and I walked past Anastasia's big annoying hairball of a dog on my way out the door, Will following behind me, half asleep.

And he said "Hold up man I'm starved," so I let him grab some round crackers and he ate them all by the fridge, drinking a water while I waited and then he said "What about Sonny?" so I let him go try to wake Sonny up, standing to the side.

"Sonny, dude.." He poked him in the face and I went around to behind his head, lifting it up off his pillow and dropping it back down and when I turned my head to Will, he was laughing under his breath and taking Sonny's hand, making him slap himself in the face.

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