Upwards and onwards

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"James?  It's me.  Where are you?" Tom and Molly were standing at the gates, and it was now 6.15am. At first, neither had really noticed or been worried by James' absence.  After last night?  The world could be ending around her, and quite frankly, she wouldn't have given a hoot....

The doorbell rang, and her heart leapt into her mouth.  Swallowing it and the rising panic, she opened the door and there he was.  All six-foot two inches of Godly perfection.  White v-necked T-shirt, navy jeans, and boots.  A black leather jacket completed this year's God-about-town ensemble.  She felt her insides melt into a pool.  She stepped back, ushering him into the hallway as she grabbed her jacket and bag.

"Hi you." Tom smiled and grabbed her hand, kissing her knuckles.  She tried not to swoon to death in front of him and simply smiled and echoed his words with a small giggle. "What?  what's funny?" he looked a little wary, and she blushed.

"Oh nothing, just not used to someone so chivalrous.  James can hardly be described as a gentleman, and, well, other men just don't seem to have any manners to speak of these days." she shrugged. "Men like you are a rarity!" 

"There are no men like me!" he said with a sly grin, and she burst out laughing.

"Oh, I see, like THAT is it? Well, if you think I'm about to kneel...." she raised an eyebrow, and it was his turn to laugh. 

"Never for a second.  Not even for a God!" 

"Puny God!" she retorted as she grabbed her jacket."Come on, before this descends into a war of quotes!  I would challenge thee to a battle of wits, but I see you have come unarmed!" she finished, gloating a little.  She'd waited a long time to use that particular one.  She wasn't disappointed.

"Oooooh, the lady doth quote Shakespeare at me.  Dangerous territory m'lady..."

"Though I be but little I am fierce sir!"  she looked at him triumphantly as he helped her with the jacket, and she pulled the door closed behind them.  Tom stood back and grinned. He was absolutely thrilled.  She was confident, smart, beautiful, and best of all?  She just 'got' him, instantly she 'got' him.  She was the kind of woman, yes she was no girl just as he was no longer a boy, that he could see in his life for a long time to come.  He only hoped she felt the same way.

Walking to his car, he stopped. "Molly?" he leaned on the roof of the car and looked across at her. "Do you want to do something different tonight? " he'd had the sudden feeling that since this was no ordinary woman, it should be no ordinary date.  For in no way did he doubt in his own mind. It was a date.

Molly had been walking along in a world where the trees were filled with songbirds and the gardens with flowers blooming just for her.  The sky was blue and the clouds were small and white and fluffy.  In short, the world was perfect.  She was on a date with Tom Hiddleston.  HE may not have been aware of that fact.  HE may just have thought he was having a quick bite to eat and a chat. SHE, on the other hand, would cherish this forever.  

Her fluffy musings were interrupted as they came to his car.  His lovely, black, sporty car.  She stopped herself from drooling.  Was there NOTHING about this man that wasn't perfect?  As the final chorus of birds died away, she became aware he was speaking to her.  She smiled and pretended to think.  Oh God, what had he said?  He looked like he wanted an answer.  Shoot!

"Welllll," she paused, praying he would give her a clue. "That all depends...." she prayed harder.

"I promise it won't be anything bad.  It's just a little different.  And don't worry, the way you're dressed is perfect." Now he paused,"really, perfect." his eyes took on a little glow, and for a moment, she allowed herself to believe he didn't just mean for whatever he had planned.

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